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101 Super Facts & More About Dogs

De : Robert Griffin
Lu par : Beth Smith
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    101 Super Facts & More About Dogs

    • Ever wondered why dogs tilt their heads when you talk to them?
    • Curious about the origins of the phrase "man's best friend"?
    • What's the oldest known dog breed?

    Whether you're a seasoned dog lover, considering adopting a new furry friend, or simply curious about dogs, this book is for you.

    Dogs—man's best friend, loyal companion, and tireless worker. With an estimated global population in the hundreds of millions, dogs have been by our side for thousands of years. From the vast plains of ancient civilizations to the bustling streets of modern cities, dogs have adapted to countless environments and cultures, leaving an indelible mark on human history.

    Their roles are as diverse as their breeds: protectors, hunters, guides, herders, and beloved pets. But there is much more to dogs than their wagging tails and playful antics. Here are some intriguing facts about dogs that showcase their remarkable intelligence, versatility, and the unique bond they share with humans.

    This book, "101 Super Facts & More About Dogs," is designed to enrich your understanding and appreciation of these wonderful animals. Whether you're a dog enthusiast, considering bringing a new canine friend into your home, or simply curious about the world of dogs, this book offers something for everyone. With fascinating trivia spanning science, history, literature, music, culture, and beyond, you'll find plenty of interesting insights to share with family and friends.

    For parents, this book is a perfect gift to help your child deepen their knowledge about their pet dog or the dog they dream of having. It will provide a richer understanding of the animals they adore and foster a sense of responsibility and empathy.

    And for the young casual listener of non-fiction, this book presents a treasure trove of knowledge about one of the most common yet fascinating animals in our world.

    ©2024 DVX Publishing House (P)2024 DVX Publishing House
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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