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101 Super Facts & More About Capybaras

De : Robert Griffin
Lu par : Beth Smith
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    101 Super Facts & More About Capybaras

    • Ever wondered why capybaras are called "nature's chillest animals"?
    • How do capybaras communicate with each other?
    • Have you ever been to a capybara cafe?

    Capybaras—gentle giants of the wetlands, social creatures, and fascinating swimmers. With a habitat that spans across the lush wetlands of South America, capybaras have intrigued scientists and animal lovers alike with their unique behaviors and adaptations. From the dense forests of the Amazon to the sprawling floodplains of the Pantanal, capybaras play a crucial role in their ecosystems.

    This book, "101 Super Facts & More About Capybaras," is designed to enrich your understanding and appreciation of these extraordinary animals. Whether you're a capybara enthusiast, looking to delve deeper into their world, or simply curious about the lives of these fascinating rodents, this book offers something for everyone. With fascinating trivia spanning science, history, ecology, culture, and beyond, you'll find plenty of interesting insights to share with family and friends.

    Book Contents:

    101 Facts About Capybaras

    1. Anatomy & Appearance
    2. Habitats & Ecosystems
    3. Social Behavior
    4. Conservation Efforts
    5. Culture & Traditions
    6. Wildlife Connections
    7. Capybaras in the Human World

    More About Capybaras

    1. What is a Capybara?
    2. The Science Behind Capybara Social Structures
    3. Capybaras: Masters of the Wetlands
    4. Visiting a Capybara Cafe
    5. Capybara Hot Springs in Japan
    6. The Homelands of the Capybara
    ©2024 DVX (P)2024 DVX
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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