Dennis Butler

Dennis Butler

Hello; glad you stopped by. As a writer, my goal is to entertain you; even if it's just for a little while. However, I must confess that each of my books has a hidden point; something that I would like you to think about. In The Dead Passages, I ponder the horrors of human trafficking and the heartless, soulless ghouls that perpetuate this; the ultimate insult to god and mankind. At some point during your day, you will probably touch something or someone that has been touched by victims of human trafficking. On the other hand, there are those among us that are so pure that even in death their compassion for the human race caries on. In Tomorrow Once More, I explore man's inhumanity and selfishness. I also wonder about the miraculous coincidences that enabled life to thrive and how fragile the existence of the human race is. On the positive side, we see how passionate and wonderful the human race can be. In Girl of the Cloud Forest, I wonder what would really happen if someone actually did discover a true and final cure for cancer. If you happen to read my first two books, Glisten of the Ngirozi and Carrick and the Blue Planet, keep in mind that at this very minute humans are sending invitations out to deep space; to anyone who is listening. I guess we assume that any alien race that is advanced enough to hear the message is also advanced enough to have evolved beyond the concept of war. Suppose we are wrong about that? I live in Largo, Florida. If you would like to correspond with me, please email me at (the @ sign has been removed to prevent spam crawlers from grabbing my email address)
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  • Prix : 17,91 € ou 1 crédit audio

    Prix avec réduction : 17,91 € ou 1 crédit audio

  • Prix : 17,91 € ou 1 crédit audio

    Prix avec réduction : 17,91 € ou 1 crédit audio

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    Prix avec réduction : 3,55 € ou 1 crédit audio

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    Prix avec réduction : 14,81 € ou 1 crédit audio

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    Prix avec réduction : 11,50 € ou 1 crédit audio

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