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The Dead Passages

De : Dennis Butler
Lu par : Duncan Cassidy
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In an old bookstore in a quaint little town in rural New Hampshire, a spiral staircase leads to a small loft with a special section of books. The staircase is roped off, but Tim Jamieson becomes curious when he keeps seeing the same mysterious old man coming and going from the loft.

Tim’s curiosity gets the best of him and he finally approaches the old man to ask him what kind of books are up in the loft. The old man tells Tim that he should forget about the loft.

When Tim continues to question him, the old man tells Tim that his life may change drastically, if he does climb the stairway. Tim is too curious and he cannot heed the old man’s warning.

Each book Tim reads from the special bookcase leads him down a path that may change his life forever. Tim must look deep inside himself to see if he is content to watch the world spin by while living his comfortable life or if he is courageous enough to do what he knows must be done.

Will Tim surprise himself and learn that he is brave enough to step into the unknown?

©2012 Dennis Butler (P)2020 Dennis Butler
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