
  • Episode 12 | Americans Want to Know the Future of Healthcare
    Oct 7 2020
    We compare both Trump and Biden’s positions on healthcare. Biden has clearly stated his plan, but Trump has yet to give a comprehensive plan to replace Obamacare.
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    11 min
  • Episode 11 | What a Right-Leaning Court Means for Abortion Funding
    Sep 30 2020
    This week, we analyze how much of abortion clinics' funding comes from federal and state taxes. We also look at what would happen if Roe v Wade is overturned.
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    11 min
  • Episode 10 | Congress Battles for Another Stimulus Package
    Sep 24 2020
    We go into detail about the latest relief bill that has been in the works but has not been able to satisfy both Democrats and Republicans.
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    10 min
  • Episode 9 | Netflix Revenue Unscathed by #cancelnetflix Trend
    Sep 16 2020
    We discuss why Netflix is being canceled on Twitter and what that means, financially, for the company.
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    9 min
  • Episode 5 - The Best Time to Invest
    Jul 7 2020
    Despite a rise in COVID-19 cases, the market is reaching higher gains. We discuss why now is the best time to invest. Also, a second stimulus check might be coming, as well as possible student loan forgiveness. Support my work: https://bit.ly/2ZbKGGc Articles: 1. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/stock-market-outlook-high-unemployment-drive-equities-rally-recession-paulsen-2020-7-1029367029# 2. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/05/stock-market-futures-open-to-close-news.html 3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/wesleywhistle/2020/07/05/second-stimulus-checks-and-student-loan-forgiveness-could-be-coming/#5ec7bb5c7612
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    15 min
  • Episode 4 - Saving vs Investing
    Jun 23 2020
    Consumers are saving cash nationwide. We analyze how inflation depreciates cash savings. Lastly, we look at unemployment across the US. Support my work: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/billing/plans/subscribe?plan_id=P-91N03886NV4322254L3RNFEY Articles: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/21/banks-have-grown-by-2-trillion-in-deposits-since-coronavirus-first-hit.html https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/22/theres-nearly-5-trillion-parked-in-money-markets-as-many-investors-are-still-afraid-of-stocks.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2020/06/21/the-states-where-employment-is-recovering-the-best-and-failing-the-most/#2af5cc084680 https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-stock-futures-rally-at-start-to-the-week-11592816775
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    25 min
  • Episode 3 - Stocks Fall Over Fears of Second Lockdown
    Jun 16 2020
    Global stock market tumbles after reports of a surge in cases. The bullish market has turned bearish in fear of continued stay-at-home orders.
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    43 min
  • Things Are Better Than They Seem
    Mar 18 2020
    Biotech still seeking treatment for COVID-19 which may already be found, IRS and healthcare industry increases flexibility for consumers, and Trump Administration makes way for relief, including a familiar dividend.
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    14 min