
  • Waking Up to the Map-Part 2
    Jan 19 2025

    Why is that people don’t think about time other than clock-time? In this second part of Waking Up to the Map, we explore different answers, including time compression, addiction, ego (Edging God Out), resistance, and believing that the phrase “time is money” is anything more than a metaphor. We also prepare to read the first part of “The Connoisseur of Time: An Invitation to Presence” (or ‘CoT’ by Joel Bennett).

    Our hosts – Joel, Art, Kristie, and Ronnie – each contribute to a way out of this blind adherence to clock-time. We talk about: (1) embracing the fact that life is messy; chaos is real; (2) realizing that the present is just that – a gift!; (3) thinking about time as multi-dimensional and that we don’t have to stay in one dimension; (4) going with the flow; (5) being more mindful of how we use the word time (and “busy”); and more.

    This episode refers to the book Full Catastrophe Living (by John Kabat-Zinn), the Buddhist Noble Truth that “all is suffering,” the idea of non-resistance from Taoism, and the work of the C.S. Lewis who had his own theology of time. (#addiction, #takeyourtime, #timecompression, #chaos, #acceptance).

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    23 min
  • Waking Up to the Map
    Jan 19 2025

    A special treasure map might lead us to a healthier relationship with time. We contemplate this map together in this podcast series. Clock-time is only one view of time. If we do not know about other views, we limit our deeper experience of life in both our private and public worlds. In this episode we first talk about the negative impact of time pressure on our health, our environment, and society. But the treasure map provides a bigger picture of healthy time and deep time, and includes spirituality, ancient wisdom, science, intimacy, and preciousness as well as many other treasures of this happening life.

    Four explorers or “time weavers” draw wisdom for this vast literature and describe their own approach to this map, based on the book “The Connoisseur of Time: An Invitation to Presence” (or ‘CoT’ by Joel Bennett). Kristie Ellison focuses on the importance of waking up to embrace and flourish from the here and now. Art Wimberly brings many years of experience as a spiritual coach and person in recovery and working with the Enneagram. Ronnie Gatrey brings us back to the treasures through his own experience of his day. Joel Bennett, the author, brings his experience in hopes of creating a community of time-weavers, including you.

    Waking up to the map is an invitation. This quest for presence is an invitation. In this episode you are invited to just get a sense of the big picture. To take a peek. Our approach to time is interdisciplinary and experiential. You are invited to your own presence.

    This episode – as many others -- also refers to insights from diverse areas of our culture and literature. Here we refer to modern music (Pharrell Williams), the Old Testament, Spirituality & Health Magazine, and the new book Waking up to the Dark (by Clark Strand), (#clarity, #siezetheday, #clutch, #spontaneity, #genius).

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    25 min