
  • Pelvic Floor Device to aid recovery - Yay or Nay?
    Jun 3 2024

    There are two types of devices that you can use for your pelvic floor recovery.

    Both you insert into your vagina but one gives you feedback on your squeezes, where as the other releases electrical impulses into your vaginal muscles to stimulate them.

    But are they useful for pelvic floor recovery? Should you use them or avoid them?

    I am covering all of this in this podcast episode. You will leave this episode knowing whether this is something you would like to invest in or not.

    If you haven't yet watched my Pelvic Floor Workshop - You neeeeeeed to! It has everything in it that you need to know to recover your pelvic floor after having a baby. It is all the information that you should have got in your postnatal period but didn't. Instead you just got handed a leaflet - if you were lucky.

    Heres the link


    Also - If you do not follow me on my socials, go and hang out with me there.

    Find me on Facebook here

    And Instagram here.

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    15 min
  • Postnatal Exercise is Chaos - How to manage it......
    May 27 2024

    This is such a fun episode.

    I start off with some reflections and stories about chaotic postnatal exercise classes which was so much fun to talk about and I reckon you are going to chuckle along too.

    Then I end with some practical tips on how you can manage the chaos that is Postnatal Exercise with children about.

    Links I mention in this episode are;

    The link to sign up to get a postnatal exercise class in your inbox to try. Plus a video of me explaining the 1 one thing you need to do to make exercise safe for your postnatal body. I use a whiteboard and markers to create some (shall we say interesting) diagrams - that is worth a watch too.


    The Postnatal Recovery membership info is at the link below


    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    13 min
  • Exercising with Pelvic Floor Prolapse and Pelvic Floor Symptoms
    May 20 2024

    So you have, or think you have, a pelvic floor prolapse and / or pelvic floor symptoms.

    You want to exercise to strengthen it - but you don't know how or where to start and it feels scary.

    This podcast is the perfect place to start.

    Learn a ton load more about your pelvic floor with my Pelvic Floor Workshop here


    And if you would like me to take you step-by-step through the process that I talk about in this podcast The Postnatal Recovery Membership is THE place to be. You can find the deets about that here


    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    33 min
  • 4 things NOT to do if you want a strong body after having a baby
    May 13 2024

    These are four things that I see mums do when they try to get strong after having a baby. When I see this happen I want to go and grab their hand and say…….

    Come on you epic woman you, come with me, let me show you how to do it properly so you can feel strong forever and your body future body will thank you.

    This isn’t the way - but come with me and let me show you the way……..

    If you want me to come and virtually take you by the hand and show you the way - the Postnatal Recovery Membership is the place to be.

    Come and be directed step by step towards a body that is strong and that will stay strong forever.

    Here is the link to start.

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    12 min
  • The grief for a strong body during recovery.
    May 6 2024

    During a period of recovery, your body often requires you to rest and let it heal.

    This is exactly what I needed to do during a three-month period after foot and ankle surgery last year where I couldn’t put weight on my foot and ankle.

    My body grew bigger, much bigger in a small amount of time. It was hardly recognisable to me. I talked about this in my podcast episode ‘My body is way bigger - A Personal Share’.

    But another thing that happened was that my body got weaker. I spent a lot of time and effort over lots of years to have a body that I moved around in with strength and ease. It was something that was really important to me. Joining in with the monkey bars in the park, running uphill, climbing trees. I wanted to be the active mum.

    But suddenly I wasn’t any more. And it hit me - I felt grief for my past strong body. I grieved for all of the things I used to be able to do and now can’t.

    I hadn’t quite come to terms with this when I recorded the last podcast episode where I spoke about my recovery.

    In truth - I still haven’t - I am still grieving and I can not fully find a way out. For me, it looks like more surgery soon - so there is a way to go.

    But after a mum in The Postnatal Recovery membership talked about missing her strong body that she had pre-pregnancy. I know I wanted to at least talk about this - even though it turned out that I couldn’t fully get my words out…………

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    16 min
  • LIVE Speech - FREEDOM from giving two hoots about the way your body looks.
    Apr 29 2024

    Yasmin, 6, ‘Mummy, I hate my body’……

    This led me to standing on stages and tell the story about the journey my daughter and I went on after this to freedom from giving two hoots about the way our bodies look.

    Honestly, FREEDOM! That is what it is. Once you stop giving a second thought about the way your body looks, stop marrying your self worth to how your body looks and realise that there is so much more to your body than the way it looks - you feel FREEDOM!

    I want that for you! If you want that too. This podcast is really worth a listen.

    Links I mention in this episode....

    Body Positive Parentng Course


    The Postnatal Recovery Membership


    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    21 min
  • How to heal a Diastasis Recti. And what on earth is one anyway?
    Apr 22 2024

    If you don't know what a Diastasis Recti is and you have had a baby - you MUST listen to this.....

    Diastasis Recti is something that happens to our stomach muscles during pregnancy.

    If it doesn't heal after we have had our baby is can be a major contributing factor in lower back pain, a weak core, pelvic floor weakness and lax stomach muscles.

    In this podcast episode, I explain what a Diastasis Recti is and what we all should be doing after we have had a baby to heal and / or prevent one. Then we can have strong stomach muscles to work alongside our pelvic floor to give us a core and body that we feel confident can withstand adventures with our littles.

    Links I mention in this episode......

    TA Video on Youtube


    The Postnatal Recovery Membership


    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    21 min
  • My body is way bigger - A personal share
    Apr 15 2024

    I find myself in a season of my life - post-surgery- with a bigger body. Thankfully, I have done the work that I needed to do to be able to disconnect my self-worth from the size of my body.

    This is the episode of the podcast that I cry!

    I share with you my thoughts and feelings about the size of my body, how it has changed and how it is likely to change again.

    You are post-childbirth and some of you post-surgery too and find yourselves in a body that is probably bigger, probably saggier and most definitely different. This will be helpful.

    I made a full course with everything that I learned to be able to feel this way about my body and to parent my daughter in a body positive way too. Go take a look here.

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    12 min