
  • from sellin' it to celibate. healing from my sex work era.
    Jul 15 2024

    In today's deeply personal episode, I share a story from my past that I never thought I would share.. I was like, "I can just talk about love and light & take this shit to the grave with me." But God was like, "no, you gotta tell them about the darkness that consumed you before you found the light."

    From my days as a college dropout to becoming a stripper and eventually a prostitute, I open up about the darkest chapters of my life and how I managed to heal from my low self worth that put me in all those situations.

    I talk about:

    • the realilty of sex work & some of the dangerous ass situations I found myself in
    • how the Universe sent strangers to remind me of my worth whenever I couldn't see it
    • seeking external validation through sexual partners & how to give it to yourself instead
    • how our traumas and unhealed wounds can lead to destructive behaviors
    • healing limiting beliefs about what I had to do for money
    • how God is always lookin' out for us even when it feels like he couldn't be further away
    • knowing that sex is a sacred exchange of energy & becoming more conscious of who we allow to enter our sacred sites

    Listener's Note: This episode contains sensitive topics, including discussions about substance abuse, sexual activities, and mental health struggles. Listener discretion is advised.


    ✨ Instagram: @everythingtayloreddd
    ✨ Snapchat: xtaylormichelle
    ✨ Facebook: Taylor Smith
    ✨ Tiktok: everythingtayloreddd

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    40 min
  • christ consciousness + finding truth in all religions with Micah Roller
    Jul 8 2024

    Welcome back, beautiful soul! In this enlightening episode, I sit down with my best friend & podcast editor, Micah Roller. We dive deep into the realms of spirituality, mental health, and the nature of reality. Join us as we chill outside, vibing in nature with the birds chirping, and discuss topics that are often overlooked but so crucial for our spiritual growth & expanding our consciousness

    We talk about:

    ✨the importance of questioning why we believe the things we believe
    ✨the value of keeping an open mind & heart when it comes to exploring other religions
    ✨ understanding heaven & hell as vibrational states rather than physical places
    ✨ how to move from fear-based religion to a love-based relationship with God
    ✨ the Buddhist practices of nonattachment & living in the present moment
    ✨ the power or prayer & manifestation

    & SO MUCH MORE! I hope hearing our conversation can help open your mind & deconstruct some programming as well as help you see that you don't have to choose between religion or spirituality. Take this episode as permission to forge your own path & create your own relationship with God without needing it to look like anyone else's.

    If you liked this episode, check out my blog post on
    my top 5 takeaways from religion + 5 things I’m leaving behind.


    ✨ Instagram: @everythingtayloreddd
    ✨ Snapchat: xtaylormichelle
    ✨ Facebook: Taylor Smith
    ✨ Tiktok: everythingtayloreddd


    ✨ Instagram: @micah.roller
    ✨ Facebook: Micah Roller

    👇🏻Support my small businesss👇🏻
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    37 min
  • healing with haley // part 2. it's all a mirror.
    Jul 1 2024

    This week's podcast is another edition of healing with Haley...the one after we smoked 🙃 If we're just being honest, that's when some of the best shit comes through. We cover so many topics in this podcast...everything from protecting your energy, healing your inner child, gentle(r) parenting, & manifesting step daddy material husbands.

    We didn't have any notes or clue where this episode was gonna go; I just noticed our conversation was getting deep & knew it was time to pull the microphones back out! Light up & let your beautiful soul listen along <3


    ✨ Instagram: @everythingtayloreddd
    ✨ Snapchat: haleyatyler
    ✨ Facebook: Haley Tyler Douglas
    ✨ Book a session: Healing with Haley


    ✨ Instagram: @everythingtayloreddd
    ✨ Snapchat: xtaylormichelle
    ✨ Facebook: Taylor Smith
    ✨ Tiktok: everythingtayloreddd

    👇🏻Support my small businesss👇🏻
    Vibe high and look fly in one of these dope ass t shirts I make.
    Shop Everything Taylored ✨

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    50 min
  • healing with haley // holistic tips for your mental health
    Jun 24 2024

    This week on the podcast I have my friend Haley, a holistic health coach who specializes in Lyme disease. In this episode, she shares her insights on the importance of a balanced diet, the impact of mental health on our overall well-being, and practical tips for managing stress and anxiety.

    From the benefits of getting outdoors to the role of supplements and probiotics, we cover a multitude of ways to enhance your health journey. Whether you're a busy mom or just looking to improve your lifestyle, this episode has something for everyone. Tune in to discover how small changes can lead to significant improvements in your health and happiness.


    ✨ Instagram: @everythingtayloreddd
    ✨ Snapchat: haleyatyler
    ✨ Facebook: Haley Tyler Douglas
    ✨ Book a session: Healing with Haley


    ✨ Instagram: @everythingtayloreddd
    ✨ Snapchat: xtaylormichelle
    ✨ Facebook: Taylor Smith
    ✨ Tiktok: everythingtayloreddd

    👇🏻Support my small businesss👇🏻
    Vibe high and look fly in one of these dope ass t shirts I make.
    Shop Everything Taylored ✨

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    45 min
  • healing my body image + losing 80 pounds
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode I take it wayyy back to when my struggles with body image first started, to middle school Taylor. I talk about how I would gain & lose weight my entire life. My unhealthy relationship with food. Emotional eating.

    How went from hating my body and being 220 pounds to losing 80 pounds and the importance of making healthy choices because you love your body instead of because you hate it. I talk about the role manifestation played in my weight loss journey, how God showed me how to get healthy, & just SO MUCH more.

    Get on the wait list & glow up your gut health. ✨

    Download this meditation I recorded to help you with your weight loss journey. Access your subconscious mind, connect with your future self & become the version of you who has already lost the weight.

    Here's a timeline of everything I cover:

    0:57 how my health journey is personal because I think it’s a generational curse that I was put here to break.
    1:59 the first time I became aware that I was overweight
    3:00 feeling shame about my body in middle school
    3:41 how my life experiences were reinforcing my belief that my body wasn’t enough
    5:25 emotional eating patterns
    06:55 gaining a bunch of weight after I got sober
    12:53 loving my body for reasons other than the way it looks
    13:55 how God guided me to try intermittent fasting
    15:29 the importance of changing the foods that you put into your body
    18:26 how our mental health is impacted by the foods we put into our body
    19:14 how it’s not about losing the weight, but who you become in the process
    20:00 your subconscious mind & how it affects your ability to lose weight
    20:46 showing up as the version of you who has already lost the weight
    21:37 healing my relationship with movement.
    23:44 guided meditations & connecting with your future self
    24:40 not waiting until you lose the weight to love yourself
    26:05 committing to a health journey instead of trying to lose weight.
    26:19 connecting to my “why”

    This episode is for you if you’re trying to lose weight or start your health journey… I want to let you know how possible it is, and also how important it is. That your health & happiness are interconnected, and that the healthier you get the happier you will feel.

    And also not to wait til you lose the weight to love yourself. How you are worthy of being loved NOW, not after you lose 10 pounds… now.

    ✨ Instagram: @everythingtayloreddd
    ✨ Snapchat: xtaylormichelle
    ✨ Facebook: Taylor Smith
    ✨ Tiktok: everythingtayloreddd

    👇🏻Support my small businesss👇🏻
    if you’re struggling in the self love department, start by getting yourself this t-shirt 💖

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    30 min
  • my first attempt at manifestation + how it landed me in jail
    Jun 10 2024

    In this episode I’m taking you on the rollercoaster ride that was my life in 2019…back when I went through my dark night of the soul & had my spiritual awakening. There were so many messy moments along the way, but this is definitely one of the stories I’ll never forget.

    Warning: Don't try this at home! I take it way back to when I was living living on the streets & dealing with some crazy (yet typical) family drama back then, my first attempt at manifestation, & how it landed me in jail 🚓🙈

    Highlights from this episode:

    How Manifestation REALLY works: My journey taught me that true manifestation comes from a place of love and acceptance, not from desperation or fear.

    Learning from Mistakes: My first attempt at speaking things into existence DEFINITELY didn't go as planned, but it was an important learning experience that helped me understand the deeper principles of the law of attraction.

    Gratitude Transforms Reality: Embracing gratitude & seeing how much my life improved the more that I kept practicing it helped me realize the subtle yet huge impact it can have on shifting your reality. What we focus on expands. The more you focus on how blessed you are, the more blessings you call in.

    Healing Family Relationships: Navigating family drama and breaking generational curses can feel hard af but it’s essential for your personal growth and improving your mental health.

    The Universe Has a Sense of Humor: Sometimes, the universe’s way of teaching us lessons can be unexpected and even funny if you really think about it. It’s all part of the journey! Don’t take it so serious all the time.

    I can’t even believe I’m sharing this story with you it was from suchhh a dark time in my past, but I want to show that can show you how God always has your back and how even the darkest times can lead to the greatest revelations.

    If you’re on your manifestation journey, you don't want to miss this one! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with others who might benefit from hearing this story. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. Stay positive, stay grateful, and let's go manifest some mental health! ✨💖


    ✨ Instagram: @everythingtayloreddd
    ✨ Snapchat: xtaylormichelle
    ✨ Facebook: Taylor Smith
    ✨ Tiktok: everythingtayloreddd

    Wanna work together? Let’s see if we vibe.
    Book your Free Chemistry Call

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    26 min
  • losing everything & manifesting it all back
    Jun 10 2024

    Welcome back, beautiful soul! In this episode, I take it back to when I lost EVERYTHING...I was literally carrying around all my belongings with me in two duffle bags. I didn't have a car or even a place to stay. I talk about how it was really necessary for me to lose everything in order for me to learn how to be grateful.

    If you’re feeling lost or like you’re losing everything around you, this message is meant for you. Let’s explore how hitting rock bottom can be a divine part of God’s plan to rebuild your life even better than before.

    Here's a timeline of everything I cover:

    ✨ Attachment and Identity: How our attachment to people and things shapes our identity.
    ✨ The Pain of Loss: Why losing things hurts and how to trust the process when it feels like you're losing everything.
    ✨ Ego and Entitlement: How my ego had to die for me to stop feeling entitled.
    ✨ Karma and Loss: (5:00) How losing things or having them stolen can be part of our karma.
    ✨ Getting Robbed by the Dopewhores: (8:00) My experiences with getting more of my stuff stolen every time I went to jail.
    ✨ Beliefs and Reality: (9:00) How my beliefs about people stealing from me caused it to happen.
    Storytelling and Manifestation: (11:00) How the stories we tell about our lives keep coming true.
    Forgiveness and Freedom: (11:00) How forgiveness helped me tell a different story and break free from the pattern.
    Law of Attraction: (12:48) How the law of attraction is always working in our lives.
    ✨ Emotional Release: (15:00) Letting go of emotions tied to past experiences to call in new ones.
    Practicing Gratitude: (16:30) Learning to be grateful for the little things when it feels like you have nothing.
    Rewiring Beliefs: (17:00) Rewiring your beliefs to create a different reality.
    Appreciation for Small Things: (19:00) Being grateful for the little things and realizing they are the big things.
    ✨ Gratitude Vibration: (25:00) Getting on the vibration of gratitude to get back everything you lost. Start by thanking God now if you want to call in everything.
    Material Detachment: (28:00) Why it’s important to stop placing our sense of enough-ness on material items.
    Subconscious Reprogramming: (29:00) Training your subconscious mind to search for things to be grateful for instead of things to complain about.

    fav quote from the episode:
    "I can remember, I kept going to jail. I kept losing all my drugs. I kept losing all my clothes. Cause God didn’t want that. He didn’t want me to be that girl. He knew I could be so much better. And so he was stripping my ego away from me. He was saying, “Hey, this is not who you really are, so let me just take it away and show you.

    Let me take away anything that’s keeping you from remembering who the fuck you are & anybody that you’re surrounding yourself with that’s keeping you from going to the next level.”

    God really does want to help us get back everything we lost, AND more. He has plans to give you a future & a hope, and sometimes he will strip away things that are blocking you from that future. We have to be willing to trust the process & let that shit go--not only the material items, but anything keeping us tied to an old version of ourselves or from calling in the life & blessings God has for us!


    ✨ Instagram: @everythingtayloreddd
    ✨ Snapchat: xtaylormichelle
    ✨ Facebook: Taylor Smith
    ✨ Tiktok: everythingtayloreddd

    Ready to get back everything you lost? I can help you manifest that shit. Book your Free Chemistry Call & let's see if we vibe. ✨

    👇🏻Support my small businesss👇🏻
    Check out this cute ass t-shirt I designed to remind you that you are the creator of your own reality & you can manifest that shit ✨

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    39 min