
  • Great Compassion Mantra - Chú Đại Bi - Chanting by Venerable Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche
    Sep 3 2020

    Namo Ratna Trayaya, Namo Arya Jnana Sagara Berotsana Baha Radzaya Tathagataya,

    Arhate Samyaksam Buddhaya Nama Sarwa Tathagatebe Arhatebe Samyaksam Budebe

    Nama Arya Awalokite Shraya Bodhi Satoya Maha Satoya Maha Karuni Kaya

    Tayata OM Dhara Dhara Dhiri Dhiri Dhuru Dhuru Ete Wete

    Tsale Tsale Tratsale Tratsale Kusume Kusuma Ware Ele Mele Tsete Dzola Mapanaya Soha.

    May I wish those who can listen the mantra will be liberated from the samsara

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    29 min
  • Barom Aspiration Prayer - Nguyện dòng Barom Kagyu mãi hưng thịnh - Chanting by Venerable Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche.
    Sep 5 2020

    Gurus, yadams, viras, Dakinis and dharmapalas: I pray that you consider me and cause the fulfillment of my aspirations.

    Through the virtues of samsara and nirvana

    Accumulated by me and others in the three times,

    And the virtue of this aspiration,

    May I and all others achieve Buddhahood.

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    15 min
  • Praises to Twenty-One Green Taras - Xưng tán 21 Tara Xanh - Venerable Sonam Rinpoche
    Sep 6 2020

    May the beautiful sound of the chanting lead to the extinction of their mental defilement,

    May the beautiful sound of the chanting lead to clear any obstacle and guide sentient beings to the precious Buddha's teachings.

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    9 min
  • Amitabha Mantra - Chú của Đức Phật A Di Đà - Venerable Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche
    Sep 6 2020

    Om Ami Dewa Hri

    Namo Ratna Trayaya/ Namo Bhagawate / Amitabhaya Tathagataya Arhate / Samyak Sam Buddhaya / Tadyatha Om Amite / Amitobhawe / Amita Sambhaweh / Amita Bitrente / Amita Gamini / Gagana Kirti Kare / Sarwa Kale Shak / Kya Yam Kari Soha.

    Buddha Shakyamuni said that this Dharani, if recited even only once, purifies the veils of karma accumulated for 100,000 kalpas. Moreover, it has boundless benefits.

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    3 min
  • Request to be blessed by the Gurus - Thỉnh lực gia trì từ Thầy và các chư tổ - Chanting by Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche
    Sep 6 2020

    Sol Wa Deb So LA MA RIN PO CHE.

    Dung Way Bo Do Drin Chen Cho Kyi Je

    Kal Me Dag La Re Sa Chi Le Me

    Thuk Yi Yer Me Dre Par Jin Gyi Lob.

    LA MA Khenno, LA MA Khenno, LA MA Khenno


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    3 min
  • 01_Commentary of the 37 Bodhisattva Practices_Three Dharma Listening Faults_Ba lỗi khi nghe Pháp_teaching by Venerable Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche
    Oct 5 2020
    1. Do not concentrate on the Dharma teaching, it is like a container turned upside down - Không tập trung nghe Pháp thì cũng giống như cái ly lật úp xuống.
    2. Listening but do not understand it like a leaking container - Nghe nhưng không hiểu về Pháp như cái ly bị thủng.
    3. Building up five poisons - Nghe nhưng trong tâm luôn có ngũ độc.
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    51 min
  • 02_Commentary of the 37 Bodhisattva Practices_Five Poison Purification_Thanh tịnh ngũ độc_teaching by Venerable Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche
    Oct 5 2020

    Visualising that Lama is like a qualified doctor, his Dharma teachings are prescribed medication to purify five defilement.

    Quán tưởng rằng vị Thầy như một vị bác sĩ, giáo pháp ngài ban truyền như là những đơn thuốc hưũ hiệu giúp giải trừ ngũ độc trong tâm - Tham, Sân, Si, Kiêu mạn và ganh tị.

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    55 min
  • 01_01_Introduction of Barom Kagyu Ngondro Practice_Giới Thiệu Pháp Tu Ngondro Dòng Barom Kagyu_Venerable Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche
    Oct 20 2020

    The recitation of prayer of Preliminary Practice of Mahamudra called The Ultimate Noble Path, The Ladder of Liberation, by Lord of Dharma Palden Barom.

    Pháp Hành Sơ Khởi của Đại Thủ Ấn, mệnh danh Đường Tu Nhiệm Mầu Cứu Cánh, Nấc Thang Giải Thoát,, do đấng Pháp Vương Palden Barom soạn thảo.


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    24 min