
  • Special Re-Release from Cosmic Revolution: Using the Pareto Principle to Change the World
    May 8 2022

    Welcome to Amplify!. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Cosmic Revolution on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.


    Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Revolution show page or see at the end of the show notes for links to all major platforms!


    We’ll be back at the end of May 2022 with new episodes of Amplify! and Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker!




    The gap created between physical and virtual realms is the difference in the way we treat one another.  No reasonable and good human would communicate with another human the ways trolls treat each other online or with the ease at which we can text and email each other terrible things without much thought.

    A small percentage of the people in the world are affecting a large portion of what we are experiencing and our consequent perception of reality.

    If we look at the world through the lens of math, 80% of the resources of the world are controlled by 20% of the people.  20 percent of your efforts in life net 80% of the results. 

    This is called the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 Rule.  The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes, often referred to as the “vital few.”

    What if our actions ARE actually significant and powerful? 

    What if we can change the world simply by making small, incremental changes in 20% of our actions to generate 80% more growth?

    What if we don’t have to transform our entire life, just 20% of it, to begin to experience the effects of these small changes? 


    To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at quantumalignmentsystem.com


    You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event.

    • Karen Curry Parker


    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Apple Podcasts

    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Spotify

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    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Audible

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    6 min
  • Special Re-Release from Cosmic Revolution: You Deserve to Have Faith, First and Foremost, in Yourself
    May 5 2022

    Welcome to Amplify!. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Cosmic Revolution on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.


    Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Revolution show page or see at the end of the show notes for links to all major platforms!


    We’ll be back soon with new episodes of Amplify! and Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker!






    I was in middle school the first time I heard the expression, “Knowledge is Power.” 

    What Sir Francis Bacon didn’t lay out in his brilliant statement is specifically what kind of knowledge do you need to have to be powerful.  Obviously, it isn’t knowledge about lichens - or - from my more adult perspective, knowledge about how to soothe a newborn baby, how to fix a hearty bowl of soup to feed your family when funds are tight, or how to emotionally prop up an anxious 12-year-old during a pandemic.

    What kind of knowledge was Sir Francis Bacon actually referring to?

    What is knowledge?  Who decides what is knowledge? 

    Or, on a more frightening note, what is truth?


    To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at quantumalignmentsystem.com


    You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event.

    • Karen Curry Parker


    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Apple Podcasts

    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Spotify

    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Google Podcasts

    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Audible

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    7 min
  • Special Re-Release from Cosmic Revolution: Unifying our Minds and Building our New World, Together
    Apr 10 2022

    Welcome to Amplify!. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Cosmic Revolution on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.


    Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Revolution show page or see at the end of the show notes for links to all major platforms!


    We’ll be back at the end of May 2022 with new episodes of Amplify! and Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker!




    Let’s imagine a world of sustainable, equitable peace:

    A world where all people feel loved, empowered, and able to make their unique contribution to the world.

    A world where we all heal the karma and the pain of the past and only bring forward the lessons and the blessings from what we’ve experienced, and the intention to write a new story of humanity that is equitable and just.

    Let’s imagine a world where everyone is safe from war, hatred, discrimination, and terror. Where we see the Heart of each other and we honor the unique expression of each and every one of us.

    A world where we are free to choose who and how we love, and we embrace the many faces and facets of love.

    A world where words are used to uplift, create, empower, love, and honor each other.

    A world where we honor all sentient beings and serve as sacred stewards for this breathtaking and awe- inspiring planet.

    We see ourselves living in a world where our natural state of wonder in connection with our true creative power is kept alive and celebrated and where everyone honors their unique gifts and knows that each life is a precious once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event.


    To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at quantumalignmentsystem.com


    You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event.

    • Karen Curry Parker


    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Apple Podcasts

    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Spotify

    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Google Podcasts
    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Audible

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    6 min
  • Special Re-Release from Cosmic Revolution: The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Heal the Planet Right Now
    Apr 4 2022

    Welcome to Amplify!. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Cosmic Revolution on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.


    Click here to be taken to the Cosmic Revolution show page or see at the end of the show notes for links to all major platforms!


    We’ll be back at the end of May 2022 with new episodes of Amplify! and Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker!





    What’s rarer than the hope diamond? More precious than any gem?


    We truly are standing on the very edge of a Creative Revolution. 

    You play a vital role in this revolution.  Your own personal healing of your internal sense of your worth is THE MOST important thing you can do to heal the planet right now.  When you do that, everything that emanates from you will be sustainable and influential on a deep level.

    The planets, and the world, and the universe, and your divine siblings have their “hands” on your back.  They are pushing you into a curriculum of healing that will transform your life and the world.

    You deserve it.

    I’m humbled to be on the planet with you, dear Cosmic Revolutionary, at this very pivotal time.


    To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at quantumalignmentsystem.com


    You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event.

    • Karen Curry Parker


    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Apple Podcasts

    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Spotify

    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Google Podcasts

    Follow Cosmic Revolution on Audible

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    4 min
  • When the World Is Hurting, We MUST Remain Creative
    Mar 13 2022

    What do we do as creatives when the world feels like it’s falling apart? 

    When children need to be rescued and fed? 

    When brave people take to the streets to fight for their precious freedom in the face of an onslaught by a bully?


    It’s easy to feel discouraged and disheartened during times when it looks like the world is headed in a direction that seems so counter to what our Hearts know as truth. 

    I want my own world to stop along with the world of the Ukrainians - a sort of collective, empathic, breath-holding… I want the world I imagine in my morning hours - a world of equitable, just, abundant, and sustainable peace - to be a part of the current reality of the world, RIGHT NOW…

    But how do we win wars, feed children, build a free world, and tackle the challenges facing humanity today? 

    Innovation begins with metaphors, dreams, and stories that invite us to ask the question, “What else is possible?” 

    The seemingly impossible always starts first with a dream - an imagining…


    Art changes the world. 


    Thank you for joining us for Amplify!  Make sure to subscribe and follow us at https://podfollow.com/amplify-with-karen-curry-parker or on your favorite platform so you don’t miss any of the amazing shows we have in store for you. 


    Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at www.gracepointpublishing.com


    Produced by Number Three Productions, www.numberthreeproductions.com

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    6 min
  • Becoming the Patron of Your Own Art
    Mar 6 2022

    How much do you edit yourself?

    How much do you hold yourself back from radically authentic self-expression?

    These questions aren't about shaming you or judging you for toning it down. It's about exploring where you may have allowed yourself to muffle your own voice, your own creative drive.

    Let’s talk about becoming the patron of your own art this week. What would happen if instead of doing a commission for someone else with your art, you commissioned a project for yourself?

    Here's to wildly unedited works of art and amplifying your true and relentlessly authentic voice.

    If you want some support in amplifying your voice, here's a powerful, next right step for you. Go to our website, www.gracepointpublishing.com, and schedule a call with our publishing consultant. Together, you're going to craft a powerful plan to get your wildly authentic message out into the world.

    I'm Karen Curry. Thank you for joining me for Amplify!. Make sure to subscribe and follow us at https://podfollow.com/amplify-with-karen-curry-parker or on your favorite platform so you don’t miss any of the amazing shows we have in store for you. 

    May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world.

    Produced by Number Three Productions, www.numberthreeproductions.com

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    5 min
  • The 6 Steps to Creating Your Chief Aim Statement
    Feb 20 2022

    Last week, I shared some information with you about your Chief Aim. This week, I have a short exercise for you to help you assess whether you’re clear on your chief aim. If you’re not? Keep listening and we’ll discuss 6 steps on how to create your chief aim statement, together. If this is hard for you, that doesn’t mean you’re not ready. If you wait until you’re ready, you’ll never start.

    Here’s a powerful next right step for you.  Go to our website, www.gracepointpublishing.com and schedule a call with our Publishing Consultant. Together, you’re going to craft a powerful plan to get your message out into the world. So you can meet your Chief Aim - and do what you came here to do.

    Thank you for joining us for Amplify!  Make sure to subscribe and follow us at https://podfollow.com/amplify-with-karen-curry-parker or on your favorite platform so you don’t miss any of the amazing shows we have in store for you. 

    May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world.

    Produced by Number Three Productions, www.numberthreeproductions.com

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    5 min
  • Finding Your Chief Aim and Making Your Impact
    Jan 23 2022

    1% of people have impact

    99% barely make a ripple

    If you’re like most people with an idea they want to share, you’ve been collecting all kinds of publishing and marketing “checklists” and “how to publish” reports.  That information is pretty easy to find.

    Our clients are a little different.  They want more than to just write and publish a book. They want to make an impact. Maybe you relate to this?

    You’ve got a wish, a hope, a snarled up frustrated feeling in your gut that you’ve got something important to share with the world.  You watch other people do it.  Maybe you even hear other people say things that you know you could say better…but you never act on it. 

    Here’s a powerful piece of intelligence we’ve dispensed to our clients over and over again during our combined 60 years in publishing and visibility coaching.  Until you know why you’re here on the planet - that ONE thing that you were born to do and give to the world - you won’t be ready to share your message with the world.

    Napoleon Hill, the great American self-help writer, called this your “Chief Aim.”  Successful influencers - writers, podcasters, speakers - know how to activate their own initiative, because they know where they are headed before they start.

    Pretty much any good publisher and visibility coach can help you meet your goals.  An exceptional publisher and visibility coach will help you push towards that dream that takes your breath away and helps you fulfill the true purpose (the really, really BIG one) of why you’re here. That’s what we live for.  Helping you fulfill your “Chief Aim” is our “Chief Aim.”

    Look, we’ve written books with newborn babies sleeping in our laundry baskets at our feet while sucking on strong coffee to stay awake.  We’ve written books when our elderly parents needed extensive support and care.  We’ve written books from scratch in less than three weeks after losing the entire original manuscript file on our computer. We’ve written best-selling books, launched podcasts, given TedX talks, while homeschooling our children during a pandemic. We’ve written books, spoken on podcasts, given talks on global stages, while raising teenagers.  We’ve written books, hosted podcasts, given talks on global stages while running million dollar companies and simultaneously getting dinner on the table for our families.

    When you know your Chief Aim, your excuses don’t win.  You do it anyway. 

    We can get you published, produce your podcast, or get you up on stage - no problem.  (We have all of that “in house” and a team of the world’s leading experts who can help you get to the top of bestseller lists, get your Voice out into the world, and help you craft a powerful signature talk.) The tactics and techniques to do this are pretty boiler plate and there are a lot of good people out there who can help you with this. 

    But the one thing we do best, is help you find your Chief Aim so that your very presence in a room creates impact. 

    Here’s a powerful next right step for you.  Go to our website, www.gracepointpublishing.com and schedule a call with our Publishing Consultant.  Together, you’re going to craft a powerful plan to get your message out into the world.  So you can meet your Chief Aim - and do what you came here to do.

    I’m Karen Curry Parker.  Thank you for joining me for Amplify!

    May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world.

    Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at www.gracepointpublishing.com

    Produced by Number Three Productions, www.numberthreeproductions.com

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    7 min