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eBay Unleashed

De : Nick Vulich
Lu par : Chuck McKibben
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Have you ever wanted to sell on eBay, but weren't sure how to get started?

eBay Unleashed is your personal guide to making money on eBay. The author, Nick Vulich, has completed over 29,000 transactions on eBay in the last 13 years. He knows the ins and outs of selling on eBay, and is offering to walk you hand-in-hand through the selling process.

Are you worried that you don't have anything to sell?

Don't worry about this. Everyone has dozens of things items around the house and garage that they can start selling today. Just because you no longer have a use for your old VCR, game system, or laptop does not mean someone else won't want it. People love getting a great deal. Help them get what they want, and put a little cash in your pocket, too.

In this book, you are going to learn how to -

  • 1) Decide what to sell.
  • 2) How to set up your eBay sellers account.
  • 3) How to set up your PayPal Account (so you can get paid - FAST).
  • 4) Step-by-step instructions how to list your first item on eBay.
  • 5) Twenty-eight tips and tricks for powering up your selling.
  • 6) How to ship your items.
  • 7) How to research items so you can get the best price every time.
  • 8) An introduction to customer service - eBay style.

Don't let fear of the unknown hold you back

* It is estimated over 450,000 people make a full time living selling items on eBay

* Millions more people use eBay to make a few extra bucks - Why not you?

* Millions more people would like to sell on eBay, but are afraid to try

* eBay unleashed will walk you step-by-step through deciding what to sell, to signing up for your eBay and PayPal account, to listing your first auction.

* All of this can be done in less than one hour.

Don't wait another minute. Order your copy of this book today!

©2013 Nick Vulich (P)2014 Nick Vulich
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