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Couverture de Zendra of the Periphery

Zendra of the Periphery

De : Seth T. Thatcher
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    In this thrilling space opera, a seventeen-year-old female genius named Zendra, born on the planet Solitude Seven in the periphery of the galaxy, Via Lactea, finds herself at the center of a galactic conflict that will test her prodigious abilities to the fullest. When the malevolent leader Drang the Gray of Triangulum Galaxy and his Horde Armada threaten the very existence of the human race, Zendra must rise to the occasion and use her genius-level intellect to save humanity from implacable ruin.

    Set against the vast backdrop of the Virgo Supercluster of Galaxies, "Zendra of the Periphery" is the first installment in Seth T. Thatcher's new series, "The Galaxies Like Dust." This transgalactic space opera blends cutting-edge science fiction with high-stakes drama, as Zendra navigates the complexities of interstellar politics and confronts the challenges of ensuring humanity's survival in a universe teetering on the brink of annihilation.

    With its compelling protagonist, imaginative worldbuilding, and thrilling plot twists, "Zendra of the Periphery" is a must-listen for fans of epic science fiction and those who dream of humanity's future among the stars. Narrated by the talented Kimberly Yvonne Steele, this audiobook brings Zendra's journey to life with vivid detail and emotional depth.

    ©2024 Seth T. Thatcher (P)2024 Seth T. Thatcher

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