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Couverture de The Wickedest Wives

The Wickedest Wives

De : Richie Skye
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    In the wake of another murder, Desiree must navigate the treacherous world of reality television, a dangerous love affair and a new threat that may end her newfound career, and her life in the process.

    Reeling from a catastrophic altercation with another cast member, Desiree now finds herself fighting for her spot on the highly successful reality show, Filthy Rich Dynasty. Pushed to the brink, Desiree finds herself at odds with her closest ally, while discovering new friendships and new secrets along the way.

    Chaos ensues when her former fiance resurfaces while she navigates the already complex dynamics of the two men already vying for her attention—the hunky, brooding Melan Randolph, and the handsome and famous Jared Reynolds.

    As she tries to balance her new social life with her newfound role in reality television, Desiree still can't forget about her desire to find the truth.

    Can Desiree fight her way to the top of the cast ratings, or will secrets, lies and dangerous plot twists foil her chances of surviving the season with her wits and her life intact? The journey of Desiree Davenport and her castmates, aka the Wickedest Wives, continues in Book 2 of the reality television romance and mystery series.

    Filled with shocking twists and treacherous turns, the journey of Desiree Davenport and her castmates, aka the Wickedest Wives, spirals into a dramatic and heartstopping climax.

    ©2024 Reach The Skye LLC (P)2024 Reach The Skye LLC

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