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  • You, Me Conquering Perimenopause & Menopause

  • How Intermittent Fasting and the Keto Diet Can Help You Get Your Life Back!
  • De : Michelle Rowlinson
  • Lu par : Rhonda Pownall
  • Durée : 5 h et 39 min

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You, Me Conquering Perimenopause & Menopause

De : Michelle Rowlinson
Lu par : Rhonda Pownall
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    Are you over 40 and struggling to manage your weight? Do you feel like you've lost your sparkle and want to recapture the old you? Do you suffer from mood swings, anxiety, or panic attacks? Heard of the perimenopause? Do you know that there is a solution for the way you might be feeling right now?

    Within this book, we explore the changes in the female body after 40, discussing the links between diet, exercise, and managing symptoms.

    Inside this book you'll find:

    • Step-by-step guidance on how to begin intermittent fasting safely and effectively.
    • A comprehensive guide to combining intermittent fasting with the Keto diet.
    • Tips and tricks on what to eat and how to exercise to burn fat and not lose muscle.
    • Over 50 delicious low carb recipe ideas.
    • Why this is the last book you'll ever need to learn about weight loss and menopause.

    With 10 years as a physiotherapist, having tried every diet going, Michelle is the best guide to walking you through the steps to reclaiming yourself, regaining your energy, and to make you feel like you're in your 20s again!

    ©2023 Michelle Rowlinson (P)2023 Michelle Rowlinson

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