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Couverture de You Are the Rock Star

You Are the Rock Star

De : Alexander Woodrow
Lu par : Alexander Woodrow
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    From massive festivals to daily conversations, every day we’re on a stage. Each stage allows us an opportunity to express our unique presence—our stage presence. This is the secret, the charisma that lets us shine.

    But why don’t we do it? Why don’t we express ourselves fully?

    That’s what this book is about: harnessing your stage presence, but more specifically, your presence in everyday life. The state of being present, where your life force powerfully emanates from you simply by being here, now, in the moment.

    What if I don’t want to be here? What if it’s hard to be me sometimes?

    Great questions! Sometimes we block our power and forget this moment is the only one we have. We get lost in what was or what’s to come. We forget what’s important and think we’re powerless…but we’re not.

    This book teaches you to take your power back. It grounds you and launches you into the next level of your life. Whether it’s with family or friends, a boss or bandmate, this book frees you from your limitations so you can be your true, authentic self in any situation.

    Are you willing to harness your power? Are you willing to journey inside yourself and allow the rock star within to come out? If you are, then this book is for you.

    ©2022 Alexander Woodrow (P)2022 Alexander Woodrow

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