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Couverture de You Are the Rock Star

You Are the Rock Star

De : Alexander Woodrow
Lu par : Alexander Woodrow
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    You Are the Rock Star is a self-empowerment guide that gives you the tools to live your dreams, discover your purpose, and feel damn good in the process.

    So if you know you're destined for greatness and you're ready to transform into the new, rock star image of yourself, it's time to take charge and embrace the power within-the power you've always had, the power to take charge of your life and your world.

    By the end of You Are the Rock Star, you will know what your dream is, how to go about getting it and how to navigate through the unwanted feelings of stress, anxiety, and self-doubt to become the most epic and legendary version of you!

    Written and Performed by Alexander Woodrow

    Foreword Written and Performed by Tara Stiles

    Introduction voiced by Dallis Seeker

    ©2020 Alexander Woodrow (P)2020 Alexander Woodrow

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