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  • You Are Not an Imposter: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

  • Unlock Your True Potential So You Can Thrive in Life
  • De : Coline Monsarrat
  • Lu par : Brianna Vox
  • Durée : 4 h et 58 min

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You Are Not an Imposter: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

De : Coline Monsarrat
Lu par : Brianna Vox
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    Are you tired of feeling like a fraud? Struggling with self-doubt, perfectionism, low self-esteem and confidence?

    In this powerful memoir, Coline Monsarrat shares her journey of overcoming imposter syndrome, a condition that almost killed her in 2020. Many people think of imposter syndrome as only affecting careers or education. But the author discovered firsthand how it can infiltrate all aspects of our life without us even realizing it. And when it erupts in your health, the cost of it can be staggering.

    Through raw and honest storytelling, the author reveals how a traumatic childhood event led to the development of this condition and how she ultimately broke free from its grip 25 years later.

    From understanding the science behind imposter syndrome to practical strategies for change, this book is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand the impact of beliefs on behaviors, the hidden cost of imposter syndrome, and strategies to reclaim control and reach their full potential.

    ©2022 Coline Monsarrat (P)2023 Coline Monsarrat

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