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Couverture de Aria & Liam

Aria & Liam

De : Coline Monsarrat
Lu par : Justin Hewitt
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    In the midst of a fierce sailing competition, Aria and Liam unexpectedly find themselves drawn into a mysterious crystal cave. Suddenly, they're faced with a seemingly impossible task: lifting a curse that has befallen the empress of Atlantis. As they strive to uncover the truth behind the curse and outsmart the dark force threatening Atlantis, Aria and Liam must navigate treacherous waters, dodge bizarre scientific experiments, and encounter long-extinct creatures with a knack for mischief.

    Will they unlock the enigma and outsmart the dark force threatening Atlantis? Can they avert the cataclysm prophesied by Plato and restore harmony to this wondrous realm? But perhaps the most significant challenge lies in winning over the hearts and minds of the island's inhabitants, convincing them of their pure intentions.

    Amidst the heart-pounding thrills and extraordinary discoveries, Aria and Liam's infectious humor and unwavering friendship shine through. Their misadventures will have you laughing out loud and holding your breath in equal measure.

    It's a rollercoaster ride filled with non-stop surprises, perfect for adventurous kids aged eight to 12..

    ©2023 Coline Alizee Monsarrat (P)2023 Coline Alizee Monsarrat

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