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  • Yoga and Meditation

  • This Book Includes: Chakra and Reiki Healing, Buddhism for Beginners and a Complete Guide of Yoga with Sutras Philosophy, Third Eye Awakening and Kundalini Meditation
  • De : Aurora Cooper
  • Lu par : Corrinne LePage
  • Durée : 11 h et 49 min

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Yoga and Meditation

De : Aurora Cooper
Lu par : Corrinne LePage
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    Did you know that your anxiety, depression, and chronic health problems are likely caused by a blocked chakra or imbalanced energy in your body? Do you want to understand the techniques of chakra balancing? Do you like the most clear-cut guide introduction to the concepts of Buddhism and Reiki and how they connect to your life?

    This book Yoga and Meditation: Chakra and Reiki Healing, Buddhism for Beginners and a Complete Guide of Yoga, with Sutras Philosophy, Third Eye Awakening, and Kundalini Meditation is your go-to guide to understand everything you need to know about chakras, what they are, how they work, and why you wish to know about them.

    How is awakening different from enlightenment? Can atheists and agnostics become Buddhists? Do you suppose you can prevent thinking when you meditate? This book will provide you an accessible introduction to the teachings of Buddhism that answers these questions on yoga, Reiki, and chakra, among others.

    Allow this book to teach you the science behind charkas and how everyone is made of energy and radiate these frequencies. You can learn how to heal, safeguard, and invigorate your energy.

    Here’s a short preview of what you will find in the book bundle:

    • Clear and simple guide to introduce you to Buddhism and Zen teachings
    • Yoga meditation
    • The sutras philosophy
    • The secret of deep relaxation with yoga nidra
    • A beginner's guide to learn Reiki meditation
    • The power of kundalini
    • Steps to heal your chakras to increase positive energy with secrets of third eye awakening

    Are you now ready to reap the advantages of inner strength, clarity, and balance? This is a fantastic starting guide to the enlightening and fantastic world of the chakras, Buddhism, yoga, and Reiki!

    Scroll to the top of this page and click the "buy now" button!

    ©2020 Aurora Cooper (P)2020 Aurora Cooper

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