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Couverture de Windows Media Player 11 Classroom-To-Go

Windows Media Player 11 Classroom-To-Go

De : William Stanek
Lu par : Ron Knowles
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    Written by the premier author in Windows software, William Stanek, and addressing the needs of computer users everywhere regardless of skill level, Windows Media Player 11 Classroom-To-Go is designed to help you build your Windows Media Player knowledge.

    Windows Media Player 11 is one of those programs that's so cool you just want to dive right in and start building your media library. If you do this without any guidance, however, you're likely to miss a lot - and that's why you need this audio class. You will learn exactly how Windows Media Player 11 works and what you can do to get the most out of this program. Not only will you learn how to optimize and customize Windows Media Player, but you'll also learn about the "gotchas" you should avoid. Windows Media Player 11 includes loads of new features, and this audio course will help you get up to speed quickly. You'll learn how to:

  • Navigate Windows Media Player menus and toolbars
  • Play your audio CDs and video DVDs
  • Improve your playback
  • Build a media library
  • Choose audio formats for ripping CDs
  • Configure rip settings
  • Rip audio CDs
  • Create and Manage playlists
  • Burn audio CDs
  • Burn data CDs and DVDs
  • Set up a device for syncing
  • Sync your media to mp3 players and other devices

    Classroom-To-Go training courses are designed for: Those who want to complete their Microsoft Certification Those who want to learn about new technologies Those who want to refresh their memories about technologies they've previously learned.

    This audio book provides a unique way to learn about new software and to refresh your memory about software you previously learned. William Stanek has 20 years of hands-on experience with writing and instructional training. He is most widely recognized as a leading technology expert and is also an award-winning, best-selling author.
  • ©2007 William Stanek (P)2007 Classroom-To-Go Training, an imprint of RP Audio

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