William R. Stanek

William R. Stanek

William lived in Europe from 1989 to 1991. During that time, he had several extended stays in France and Italy. He spent his time in France traveling, and recalls fondly visits to Metz, Colmar, Dijon, and Basel. He misses the quiet beauty of the French countryside, the festivals, and the spectacular wine. He says, "Paris and Marseille are wonderful, of course, but the old towns beyond these great destinations should not be missed. There's nothing else quite like them in all the world." Find William on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/WilliamStanekAuthor. William is the award-winning author of the #1 Bestselling POCKET CONSULTANTS, a computer technology series comprising 35 books and counting, which has been translated into 21 languages. William is one of the world's leading technology experts and has over 20 years of hands-on experience with advanced programming and development. Over the years, his practical advice has helped millions of programmers, developers, and network engineers all over the world. Dubbed 'A Face Behind the Future' in 1996 by The Olympian, William's been helping to shape the future of the written word for over two decades. William's 150th book was published in 2013. William (www.williamstanek.com) has been involved in the commercial Internet community since 1991. His core business and technology experience comes from over 11 years of military service. He has substantial experience in developing server technology, encryption, and Internet solutions. He has written many technical white papers and training courses on a wide variety of topics. He frequently serves as a subject matter expert and consultant. William has an MS with distinction in information systems and a BS in computer science, magna cum laude. He is proud to have served in the Persian Gulf War as a combat crewmember on an electronic warfare aircraft. He flew on numerous combat missions into Iraq and was awarded nine medals for his wartime service, including one of the United States of America's highest flying honors, the Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross. Currently, he resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and children. William recently rediscovered his love of the great outdoors. When he's not writing, teaching, or making presentations, he can be found hiking, biking, backpacking, traveling, or trekking in search of adventure. Please visit www.WilliamRStanek.com to find links to stay in touch with William. Join William Stanek and over 50,000 fans on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/WilliamStanekAuthor and on Twitter at http://twitter.com/WilliamStanek. William also writes as Robert Stanek. To learn more about Ruin Mist, Magic Lands, Bugville Critters, visit http://www.imaginedlands.com/.
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