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  • Wicca Herbal Magic

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Wiccan Beliefs. Learn How to Become a Solitary Practitioner Executing Rituals, Generating Spells, Producing Magical Herbs, and Drenching in Divine Baths
  • De : Elisha Miller
  • Lu par : Michele McNeal
  • Durée : 3 h et 52 min

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Wicca Herbal Magic

De : Elisha Miller
Lu par : Michele McNeal
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    If you want to start your journey in Wiccan beliefs and discover the power of magical herbs, then keep reading...

    Welcome to the world of Wiccan witchcraft! As a new witch or a practicing witch that is new to herbal magic, you are about to embark on a journey to natural discovery and unimaginable power. After all, nature was around far longer than humans, and it possesses a power that we can “tap” into, with the only limitation being your imagination.

    Witchcraft has been around for centuries, and Wicca is a subset or religion based on this ancient practice. Unlike common misconceptions of witches, Wiccan witches are “white” or “good” witches. History and media have done a fantastic, albeit false, image of a witch. When you think of this term, you may imagine being an old woman, with a wart on her nose, stirring a bubbling and smoking black pot with a twitching broom in the background. Some of the symbolism in the movies and television shows is relevant to witchcraft, it is not entirely an accurate portrayal of what it is like to be a Wiccan witch.

    Do you recognize the witch-terms “eye of newt” or “dead man’s toes? Well, those are the items you will see listed in a witch’s spell, but do you know what those really are? Herbs! The spells that you may have heard in movies or television, or just whispered on the playground as a child, are mostly founded in herbalism. And more precisely, they are based on working with nature to harness the power and bring about positive influence.

    If this intrigues you and you want to learn more about herbal magic than it is time to listen on!

    Some of the highlights of this audiobook include

    • An introduction to what it is like to be a real Wiccan witch in modern times.
    • A review of how magic turned to medicine and the difference between the two today.
    • A reference to magical plants and the associations they have.
    • Suggestions on how to work with various herbs in spells and rituals.
    • Foundational knowledge of how to conduct herbal magic.
    • On overview and recipes for magical herbal teas.
    • Steps and ingredients for conducting magical baths.
    • Spells and rituals defined, described, outlined and with examples to try on your own!
    • And much, much more!

    If you're ready to begin working with magical herbs, get this audiobook now! 

    ©2019 Elisha Miller (P)2019 Elisha Miller

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