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  • The Relationship Vision Couples Reconnection Journal

  • Daily Conversations, Relationship Questions for Couples, and Bucket Lists to Fix Your Marriage & Be Happy: Conversations to Manifest an Intentional Life Together
  • De : Shlomo Slatkin, Rivka Slatkin
  • Lu par : Michele McNeal
  • Durée : 2 h et 51 min

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Couverture de The Relationship Vision Couples Reconnection Journal

The Relationship Vision Couples Reconnection Journal

De : Shlomo Slatkin, Rivka Slatkin
Lu par : Michele McNeal
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    What's the secret of the happiest couples out there? 

    It’s the small things in life that often have the most impact. Studies show that the happiest couples perform 100 caring behaviors for each other in one day.

    In his “love lab”, John Mordechai Gottman videotaped happy couples and discovered that it’s the small things - a wink, a kiss, a warm smile, an affectionate squeeze, a hug, a pinch, a kind thank you, a tender back rub, a special beloved dish - that are keeping couples together and happy.

    In this audiobook, you will discover:

    • The wonderful “small” things for you and your partner to gift to each other
    • Prompts for you to start enjoying the most connected and fulfilling conversations together, for many years to come
    • Things to do before every conversation to maintain connection and emotional safety
    • Bucket list ideas that range from inexpensive to more luxurious
    • Diagnostic questions to help you identify the language of love that you speak
    • Steps for how to craft your joint relationship "mission statement" together

    Not sure if you can change your marriage at this point? 

    Have other couples' books and journals and the relationship questions in them made you fight even more?

    The problem is most books ask difficult questions straight off the bat, leading to more arguments and uncomfortable conversations that, in turn, lead to more disconnection. Since our book was authored by a marriage counselor, whose goal is to keep couples together and happy, you'll not only be given prompts to answer, but actual marriage counseling material on how to have safe and emotionally connected conversations.

    So, even if you've tried other couples journals before and failed, hoping they would bring you closer together, you haven't tried this one!

    If you want to finally enjoy your marriage and be happy, then scroll up and click on the "buy now" button.

    ©2019 Shlomo Slatkin (P)2020 The Marriage Restoration Project

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