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Couverture de Wholly Aligned, Wholly Alive

Wholly Aligned, Wholly Alive

De : Ciara Jean Roberts
Lu par : Ciara Jean Roberts
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    The state of medicine today has its challenges. If you're suffering from ill health, and you're feeling lost and overwhelmed, there is a path for you to become wholly aligned if you're willing to take responsibility for your healing. In this insightful book, nutritionist and yoga teacher Ciara Jean Roberts shows us the path to happiness and healing through her personal journey of dealing with a lifelong kidney condition charting from childhood to teenage dialysis to transplantation and beyond. She shows us:

    *How to heal, with simple steps to help you take charge of your own medical condition and wellness*The pivotal role of yoga and nutrition on your healing journey*How to find joy in your healing through the tools that truly resonate with you*Ensure that your Wellbeing Fund is balanced and able to face whatever physical or mental challenges that arise.

    When we each awaken our inner physician, everyone wins. Ourselves first and foremost, our family and friends too, as we are in a better place and, of course, our health systems and environment. Because we are truly awake to our human experience.

    ©2019 Ciara Jean Roberts (P)2024 Ciara Jean Roberts

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