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  • Where I Come From

  • Stories from the Deep South
  • De : Rick Bragg
  • Lu par : Rick Bragg
  • Durée : 7 h et 23 min

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Where I Come From

De : Rick Bragg
Lu par : Rick Bragg
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    From the best-selling, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of All over but the Shoutin' and The Best Cook in the World, a collection of his irresistible columns from Southern Living and Garden & Gun.

    Celebrated author and newspaper columnist Rick Bragg brings us an ode to the stories and history of the Deep South, filled with “eclectic nuggets about places and people he knows well” (USA Today) and written with honesty, wit, and deep affection.

    A collection of wide-ranging and endearingly personal columns — from Bragg’s love of Tupperware (his mother preferred margarine tubs and thought Tupperware was “just showing off”) to the decline of country music, from the legacy of Harper Lee to the metamorphosis of the pickup truck to the best way to kill fire ants — Where I Come From is a book that will be treasured by fans old and new.

    ©2020 Rick Bragg (P)2020 Random House Audio


    "Eye-popping... Eclectic... Without even trying, Bragg explains why it is humans came to believe in miracles... The larger slices of southern life are the most welcome (the reader often is still hungry when the tidbits end)." USA Today 3.5 out of 4 stars

    “Bragg’s unfeigned writing, knowing truisms and funny advice holds strong throughout this stress-allaying book.”—The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

    "Bragg’s secret sauce is his combination of crisp description, never-ending humor (occasionally pathos) and insight into his brain. He takes the things we think of as common and stands them on their heads. If ever we need a little funny, it is now. And this is Bragg’s present to you." —The Florida Times-Union

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