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Couverture de When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal

When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal

De : Brianna Wiest
Lu par : Stacey Glemboski
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    Healing is not a one-time event.

    It can begin with a one-time event - typically some form of sudden loss that disrupts our projection of what the future might be. However, the true work of healing is allowing that disruption to wake us from a deep state of unconsciousness, to release the personas we adapted into, and begin consciously piecing together the full truth of who we were meant to be.

    In her follow-up collection to the international bestseller 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, Brianna Wiest shares 45+ new pieces that will help you find your inner sanctum and embark on the path of true transformation. Wiest's words are a balm for any soul on the journey of their own becoming.

    ©2022 Brianna Wiest (P)2022 Thought Catalog Books

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