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  • When Panic Happens

  • Short-Circuit Anxiety and Fear in the Moment Using Neuroscience and Polyvagal Theory
  • De : Charles Schaeffer PhD
  • Lu par : Lyle Blaker
  • Durée : 2 h et 16 min

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When Panic Happens

De : Charles Schaeffer PhD
Lu par : Lyle Blaker
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    If you struggle with panic attacks, it can feel as if the world is closing in on you. Your heart races, your hands or feet may go numb, and you might even have trouble speaking. Even if you know it's all in your head, you can't shake the feeling that something terrible is about to happen. That's why you need quick, in-the-moment strategies to help you feel better fast.

    Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and polyvagal theory, When Panic Happens provides quick and lasting relief from panic attacks, just when you need it the most. With this accessible guide, you'll learn proven-effective emotion regulation skills and body-based practices to rewire your nervous system for calm, stop panic attacks in the moment, and even prevent them from happening again.

    The tools in this valuable little book will have you covered before, during, and after panic sets in. You'll discover essential coping skills to quickly decrease the intensity of your symptoms, soothe your system, and "reboot" your brain to its optimal state.

    If you're ready to stop panic in its tracks, download this book and get started today!

    ©2024 Charles Schaeffer (P)2024 Tantor

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