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  • What Happy Teachers Do

  • The Three-Step Self-Care System to Support You Inside and Outside the Classroom
  • De : Michelle Auton
  • Lu par : Michelle Auton
  • Durée : 5 h et 28 min

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What Happy Teachers Do

De : Michelle Auton
Lu par : Michelle Auton
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    Discover the simple three-part self-care system that will help you stay calm in class, enjoy a good work-life balance, and keep doing the job you love.

    It’s a cliché but it’s true: teaching is the best job in the world. So why are more teachers leaving the profession than ever before? Thanks to staff shortages, accountability pressures, and heavy workloads, teachers are burning out fast. This raises the question: How do you stay happy and keep teaching?

    Michelle Auton has the answer. Drawing on both her own 20+ years in the profession and the experiences of her many teacher friends, Michelle has developed a three-part system to help you not just survive, but thrive in teaching.

    In What Happy Teachers Do, she takes you through these three principles:

    1. Self-care: You’ll learn how to deal with the unique highs and lows of the teaching year and practice good self-care every day.

    2. Mindfulness: Michelle explains the neuroscience and benefits of mindfulness, and details short mindful practices that can help you in times of stress, overwhelm, exhaustion, or judgment.

    3. Tapping: Tapping is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress, and can help to restore balance to your body's energy. Use these tapping—aka Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)—scripts in both your personal and teaching life, such as when you’re having difficulty sleeping, preparing for a lesson observation, or worried about an awkward conversation with a parent.

    This book will help all teachers, whether you’re in your first or thirty-first year of teaching, to reduce stress, prioritize self-care, and feel empowered. This is what happy teachers do.

    ©2024 Michelle Auton (P)2024 Hay House UK

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