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  • Craft Your Own Magic

  • Reawaken Your Intuition, Understand Magical Correspondences, and Create a Meaningful Personal Practice
  • De : Cassie Uhl
  • Lu par : Cassie Uhl
  • Durée : 9 h

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Craft Your Own Magic

De : Cassie Uhl
Lu par : Cassie Uhl
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    A call to create your own magical practice by understanding magical correspondences, incorporating your own lived experiences and ancestry, and applying intuitive insights.

    Crafting your own magic is a personal and fluid journey, and you won’t find scripted spells and rituals within these pages. Instead, you’ll find a collection of pathways to a magical practice rooted in your lived experience and the relationships you form in seen and unseen realms. Here, witch, intuitive energy healer, and death-worker Cassie Uhl will share techniques to hone your inherent intuitive abilities, personal experiences, and practices—all of which she encourages you to modify to suit your needs. Your magical practice and the path that shapes it will be as unique as you are, as it should be. Uhl walks you through crafting your own magic using the elements as guideposts: air, on developing intuition; fire, on magic in relationship; water, on correspondences; earth, on ethics and ancestry; and spirit, on bringing it all together.

    What crafting your own magic looks like for you will be personal and fluid. Where would you turn to seek inspiration, community, means, and modes to craft your magic? Perhaps you would shift inward to the trees, flowers, birds, or invisible in-between spaces. There will likely be parts of your magical practice that no one but you will be able to define as true. For these reasons, parts of crafting your own magic may feel uncomfortable. From these places of discomfort, not knowing, and becoming, your magical practices can flourish.

    ©2024 Cassie Uhl (P)2024 Hay House LLC

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