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Couverture de We, R: Vol. 2

We, R: Vol. 2

De : S.K. Ballinger, Stephanie Scurto
Lu par : Melanie Fumosa
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    In the midst of an unforeseen and unsettling tragedy, Madison Monroe finds herself thrust into a bewildering and harrowing ordeal. Captured by unknown forces and subsequently returned to Earth, Madison awakens to find herself imprisoned within the confines of an undisclosed facility. Confusion and disorientation envelop her as she grapples with the disconcerting reality of her circumstances. Each moment feels like navigating through a labyrinth of fragmented memories, desperately attempting to piece together the events that led to her capture.

    Just as Madison teeters on the brink of despair, her narrative takes a suspenseful turn with the unexpected arrival of Agent Nick Wolfe. A mysterious and enigmatic figure, Wolfe becomes an integral part of Madison's unfolding journey. Together, they embark on a tumultuous exploration of the enigma surrounding her situation. Madison's body becomes a cryptic canvas, adorned with inexplicable changes that hint at a latent power lying dormant within her, adding layers of complexity to an already mysterious existence.

    Meanwhile, amidst the unfolding drama, the fate of humanity hangs precariously in the balance. Madison's newfound powers hold the potential to unlock the secrets of a looming existential threat. Agent Wolfe takes on the mantle of protector and guide, tasked with safeguarding Madison while deciphering the cryptic nature of her transformation. With each revelation, the tension mounts, unveiling deeper layers of secrecy and conspiracy surrounding Madison's identity.

    As Madison's journey unfolds, it becomes a profound odyssey of self-discovery, forcing her to confront the implications of her altered reality. Mystery, science fiction, and the supernatural intertwine seamlessly as she grapples with the implications of her newfound abilities. 

    ©2020 Shannon Ballinger (P)2024 Shannon Ballinger

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