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  • Stanley Swanson: Breed of a Werewolf

  • The Swanson Series, Book 1
  • De : S.K. Ballinger
  • Lu par : Johnny B
  • Durée : 7 h et 44 min

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Couverture de Stanley Swanson: Breed of a Werewolf

Stanley Swanson: Breed of a Werewolf

De : S.K. Ballinger
Lu par : Johnny B
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    Stanley Swanson believes that war, one day, will happen between the creatures of the night but will involve humans. He reaches out to a retired journalist, Kain, in hopes that if he shares the secrets of both werewolf and vampires, if a war does occur, humans will join sides with the breed of the werewolf. 

    Kain is then taken on a journey as he and Stanley become very close. And a friendship is formed quickly as Kain agrees to write the journal. When the knowledge of what Stanley is doing with this mortal is leaked, the highest of all vampires, known as Drakulis, set a war in motion. Stanley's family is immediately put at risk by a Drakulis known only as Gravakus. It is then, upon Stanley's return home with Kain, that he soon learns that he himself has put his breed and, more importantly, his family at risk. Finding out later of the attacker, Stanley and his older brother, Stephen, set out to take action upon Gravakus. 

    As both Stanley and Stephen depart, the war slowly develops by both the werewolf and Drakulis. It is started by the werewolf Zea and a Drakulis known as Gravakus. Sirtimi, the oldest known Drakulis, sets his twin sons, Dimitris and Siluk, out to stop the journal from becoming public to the mortals and to kill the human Kain for his interference with their kind. More importantly, as the treaty has been broken, the war upon werewolves slowly becomes real.

    ©2015 Shane Ballinger (P)2023 Shane Ballinger

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