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Couverture de We Are All Americans

We Are All Americans

De : Richard A. Radoccia
Lu par : Brandon Arthur, Carlena Back, Clive Castle, Dara Kramer, David Coon, Rich Shulman, Troy Hudson
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    Join the journey into one of the most captivating and seminal events in all of American history.

    The United States in 1865 was a dramatically different country from the one that went to the polls in 1860. It and the world were transformed by the Civil War - a political struggle between sections of the country for a Union without slavery or slavery without a Union.

    We Are All Americans is the story of how the United States was transformed through the words of the three most central figures of the time - Jefferson Davis, Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln - and narrated by three reporters in a contemporary newsroom setting, who describe the events as they unfolded, in time-linear fashion.

    It is often said the country entered the war as the United States, plural, and emerged a nation as the United States, singular. Let We Are All Americans take you back 150 years to experience this dramatic and profound transformation as it happened.

    ©2017 Richard A. Radoccia (P)2021 Richard A. Radoccia
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire

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