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Couverture de Ninja Selling

Ninja Selling

De : Larry Kendall
Lu par : Larry Kendall, Brandon Arthur
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    2018 Axiom Business Book Award Winner, Gold Medal

    Amazon Best Seller in Sales and Selling and Consumer Behavior

    Stop Selling! Start Solving!

    In Ninja Selling, author Larry Kendall transforms the way listeners think about selling. He points out the problems with traditional selling methods and instead offers a science-based selling system that gives predictable results regardless of personality type. Ninja Selling teaches listeners how to shift their approach from chasing clients to attracting clients. Listeners will learn how to stop selling and start solving by asking the right questions and listening to their clients.

    Ninja Selling is an invaluable step-by-step guide that shows listeners how to be more effective in their sales careers and increase their income-per-hour, so that they can lead full lives. Ninja Selling is both a sales platform and a path to personal mastery and life purpose. Followers of the Ninja Selling system say it not only improved their business and their client relationships; it also improved the quality of their lives.

    ©2017 Larry Kendall, Greenleaf Book Club Press (P)2020 Larry Kendall, Ninja LLC

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