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Couverture de Unwanted Mate

Unwanted Mate

De : Serena Simpson
Lu par : Erin Harper
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    Mala never expected her mother to force her hand when it came to taking a husband, but that’s what she was doing. The threat hung over her head find a husband or be disinherited. There was no way her mom was going to run her life. She’d show her! The money would come and go, but she didn’t want to live without her family. What could she do?

    When she called a number for a new dating site, she didn’t expect much.

    Rykiel was placed in cryo thousands of years ago. He never expected to be woken. When he was, it was to be told that his mate was waiting for him. If he accepted her, his new life on Earth would begin.

    Neither expected to wake up mated. Now they would have to learn how to live together and what it means to be mated for eternity.

    The tracker who glorified in evil was making his way to Earth. His sights were set on killing Rykiel and destroying the planet before he went to the next one.

    Could Mala and Rykiel not only find love but build a relationship that would stand against what was coming their way?

    Listeners 18 and older.

    ©2020 Serena Simpson (P)2022 Serena Simpson

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