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Couverture de The Demigod's Mate

The Demigod's Mate

De : Serena Simpson
Lu par : Sara Brodt
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    Kali was born into slavery. She never questioned her lack of freedom until her daughter was born. Then the male that owned her decides to sell her child to the highest bidder. The only way to secure her daughter’s future was to run.

    Phineas fought the battle he was born into even after seeing the female he believed was his mate betray him. He’s going through life knowing the gods don’t give you a second chance when it came to a fated mate. For the rest of his life, he will make sure that others have a chance at what he lost.

    There is a conspiracy to make sure they never meet. When they do, life as they know it may be rewritten.

    Beings are pursuing Kali; that she doesn’t realize aren’t human. They will enslave or kill her, but they won’t grant her freedom.

    Phineas is haunted by a life of betrayal that started from birth. Convinced he has no future, why should he try? Can a child and a woman who wouldn’t meet his eyes give him a reason to fight?

    Can Kali find the strength within her to stand up for her child? Is the family she always wanted just within her grasp? Or will the evil that has chased her all her life finally get the ultimate victory?

    ©2020 Serena Simpson (P)2024 Serena Simpson

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