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  • Unoffendable

  • How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better
  • De : Brant Hansen
  • Lu par : Brant Hansen
  • Durée : 4 h et 50 min

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De : Brant Hansen
Lu par : Brant Hansen
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    Read by the author with audiobook-exclusive bonus chapter.

    Unoffendable, now revised and updated with two new chapters, gives you a concrete, practical way to live life with less stress. In our easily offended, cancel-culture society, learn how to replace perpetual frustration and anger with refreshing humility and gratitude.

    It turns out giving up your "right" to be offended can be one of the most freeing, healthy, simplifying, relaxing, refreshing, stress-relieving, encouraging things you can do. It's a radical, provocative idea: We're not entitled to get offended or stay angry. The idea of our own "righteous anger" is a myth. It is the number one problem in our societies today and, as Dallas Willard says, Christians have not been taught out of it. But what if Christians were the most unoffendable people on the planet?

    In Unoffendable you will find concrete, practical ways to live life with less stress, including:

    • Adjusting your expectations to fit human nature
    • Replacing perpetual anger with refreshing humility and gratitude
    • Embracing forgiveness and beginning to love others in unexpected ways

    Newly revised with two brand-new chapters on forgiveness and what Hansen has learned since writing his original book, this updated edition of the bestselling book is a must-hear for every Christian. With short chapters, this book is easy to slip into a daily routine or commute to spend time deepening in God’s Word. In a humorous and conversational style,Unoffendable seeks to lift religious burdens from our backs and allow us to experience the joy of gratitude, perhaps for the first time, every single day of our lives—flourishing the way God intended.

    ©2015 Brant Hansen (P)2023 Thomas Nelson

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