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  • Lead Like the Real You

  • Wisdom for Women on Finding Your Voice, Pursuing God's Calling, and Leading with Courage
  • De : Amy Orr-Ewing
  • Lu par : Amy Orr-Ewing
  • Durée : 5 h et 37 min

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Couverture de Lead Like the Real You

Lead Like the Real You

De : Amy Orr-Ewing
Lu par : Amy Orr-Ewing
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    Amy Orr-Ewing has learned a lot of lessons the hard way.

    As an internationally known speaker, theologian, and apologist, she has navigated through many challenges: battling abuse, finding and using her voice, building a lasting ministry, leading with confidence, thriving in friendship, relying on God in hard times, and more.

    Now, she's sharing the wisdom she has gained over twenty-five years with other women so they, too, can grow in Christian leadership. In Lead Like the Real You, Orr-Ewing pens a deeply personal and engaging collection of letters that explore the unique challenges women face.

    Rooted in honesty, practicality, and biblical guidance, these letters speak to women who lead in the workplace, classroom, church, and home, as well as those who support them. This book empowers the next generation of Christian women who hope to change the world to live and lead well, knowing they are not alone.

    ©2024 Amy Orr-Ewing (P)2024 eChristian

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