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  • Transitioning Clients and the Retirement Exit Decision

  • Includes Strategies and Tools for Seeking and Implementing Group Referrals (Handbooks for the Professional Financial Advisor)
  • De : Christine Timms
  • Lu par : Christine Timms
  • Durée : 2 h et 49 min

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Transitioning Clients and the Retirement Exit Decision

De : Christine Timms
Lu par : Christine Timms
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    The need to transition clients from one advisor to another advisor can be triggered by many different circumstances. An advisor will make group referrals to a successor advisor when they are retiring, reducing their clientele, or changing their business model. This handbook contains three interrelated topics:

    • Part one: "Seeking Group Referrals from Another Advisor"
    • Part two: "Transitioning Your Clientele to Your Successor"
    • Part three: "The Retirement Exit Decision"

    The key to a successful transition of clients is compatibility between the successor, the referring advisor, and the clientele being referred. I believe this compatibility is more likely to be achieved when the successor and the referring advisor understand each other’s positions and business models. Hearing all three topics will provide the listener with needed insight and understanding in addition to providing step-by-step processes and tools for choosing successors and completing the transition. provides further description of books and related templates.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2020 Christine Timms (P)2021 Christine Timms

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