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  • Time Management for Families

  • The Busy Family's Guide to Finding Balance and Calm in a Hectic World
  • De : Bethany Fox
  • Lu par : Shawna Ryan
  • Durée : 3 h et 14 min

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Time Management for Families

De : Bethany Fox
Lu par : Shawna Ryan
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    Are you a busy parent struggling to balance work, household chores, and quality time with your family? Do you feel like you're always running out of time and constantly stressed? If so, you're not alone. Many families today face the same challenges, and it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to managing your time effectively.

    This practical guide is full of time management tools for adults designed specifically for busy families who want time management made simple. With easy-to-follow tips and strategies, you'll learn how to prioritize your time, streamline your routines, and create more meaningful moments with your loved ones.

    Do you want to wake up each day feeling energized and organized, with a clear plan for the day ahead? Do you wish you had more time to spend with your family, enjoy your hobbies, or simply relax and recharge? This is one of the best time management books to make this a reality.

    This book teaches parents of school-age children how to put clever habits into practice every day to save time and restore calm in the household and explores essential parenting mindset and self-development techniques. Do you worry you don't have enough time to give your children the attention they need? Do you wonder if your kids will ever help around the house? This time management book will help you achieve a sense of wellness, personal growth, and increased productivity.

    In this audiobook, you'll discover answers to questions like:

    • How can I create a more organized household?
    • How can I make more time to do the important things in life like spend quality time with my children?
    • How can I get my children to help around the house more?
    • How can I be more efficient so I don't feel so stressed and overwhelmed?

    From learning how to gain a confident and organized growth mindset to learning coping skills when things go wrong, this parent's guide has all the parenting essentials you need to keep kids happy, improve relationships, and find time for you.

    ©2023 Bethany Fox (P)2023 Parr Publishing Ltd

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