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  • Mindfulness for Families

  • Engage with Your Children through Mindful Games and Fun Activities for a Happier and Calmer Family Life
  • De : Bethany Fox
  • Lu par : Shawna Ryan
  • Durée : 3 h et 38 min

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Mindfulness for Families

De : Bethany Fox
Lu par : Shawna Ryan
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    Mindfulness for Families: Engage with Your Children through Mindful Games and Fun Activities for a Happier and Calmer Family Life is the ultimate parenting book on mindfulness for kids and adults. It is a parent's guide to incorporating mindfulness in daily routines to restore peace, harmony, and family connection.

    Are you tired of constantly dealing with conflict and chaos in your family? Do you long for more moments of connection and calm with your children? Look no further than Mindfulness for Families - the ultimate guide to bringing peace and harmony into your household.

    As a parent, you know all too well the challenges of managing a busy family life. Between school, extracurricular activities, and endless to-do lists, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected from your children. But with the power of mindfulness, you can transform your family dynamic and create a happier, more peaceful home.

    In Mindfulness for Families, you'll discover a range of mindful games and fun activities that will engage both you and your children. From breathing exercises to sensory play, each activity is designed to cultivate mindfulness, build emotional intelligence, and foster deeper connections within your family. This book teaches parents of school-age children how to integrate practicing mindfulness into their daily routines.

    Do you worry you don't have time to give your children the attention they need? Do you wonder if you're parenting the right way? Do you want to create a more harmonious family experience and get your kids to help around the house? This book will answer all your questions and more.

    Through examining the ten parenting tools of taking notice, setting expectations, making time, keeping calm, communicating, collaborating, appreciating, connecting through touch and nature and building all these tools into regular daily habits, you will discover how to have a calmer, happier household. From educational activities and family bonding games to experiencing nature in the great outdoors, this family book has all the mindfulness essentials you need to keep kids happy, heal your relationships, resolve conflicts, connect, communicate better, and become a more loving and happy family unit.

    ©2023 Bethany Fox (P)2023 Bethany Fox

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