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Couverture de The World Before Us

The World Before Us

De : Aislinn Hunter
Lu par : Fiona Hardingham
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    Penguin presents the unabridged downloadable audiobook edition of The World Before Us by Aislinn Hunter, read by Fiona Hardingham.

    Jane was 15 when her life changed forever. In the woods surrounding a Yorkshire country house, she took her eyes off the little girl she was minding, and the girl slipped into the trees - never to be seen again.

    Now an adult, Jane is obsessed with another disappearance: that of a young woman who walked out of a Victorian lunatic asylum one day in 1877. As Jane pieces together moments in history, forgotten stories emerge - of sibling jealousy, illicit affairs and tragic death....

    ©2016 Aislinn Hunter (P)2016 Penguin Audio


    "A tantalising mystery...beguiling and richly suggestive." (Metro)
    "Strange and absorbing.... I relished this book." (Penelope Lively, The New York Times Book Review)
    "Sensitive, melancholy, sharply observant. A work of great power." (Guardian)
    "Ambitious, inticate...cleverly innovates while tipping a nod to classic Gothic tropes: dynastic rivalries, crumbling country houses, madhouses and vanished girls." [National Post (Canada)]
    "A brilliant work of humanity and imagination, artful and breathtakingly beautiful. It will continue to haunt long after you have finished reading." (Helen Humphreys, author of Nocturne)
    "Powerful, thought-provoking, haunting and haunted.... Reminiscent of A. S. Byatt's Possession, it forces you to look at the world - the people around you, the objects they hold dear - in a different light." [Globe and Mail (Canada)]

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