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Couverture de The Woman at My Wedding

The Woman at My Wedding

De : L.G. Davis
Lu par : Laurence Bouvard
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    I've dreamed of this day forever. But will it be my last?

    My stomach flutters as I try on my shimmering wedding dress with my two closest friends. In just a few weeks I'm going to marry the man of my dreams. I can't believe the next time Nathan sees me it'll be when I walk down the aisle. I've never told him my real name, and I hate lying to him. But it's for his own good, and nobody could love him more than me. I've been through so much; don't I deserve this happiness?

    As I'm gazing at my reflection in the mirror, there's a knock on the door and when I open it my heart leaps into my throat. Right in front of me is someone I hoped I'd never see again: my mother-in-law.

    Nathan doesn't speak to her, and the estrangement has been a huge relief to me. Because Debbie knows my secret. And she could ruin everything

    From the moment she sweeps in, it's clear that if I don't let my mother-in-law stay, she wont stay quiet about my dark past. But she has no idea how far I'll go to stop her destroying everything I've worked for.

    But when I realise my friends have been lying to me too, I wonder if my mother-in-law is really the person I need to worry about. Is there another woman in my life who is determined not only to ruin my wedding, but to take my life?

    An utterly heart-pounding and nail-biting new novel from bestseller L.G. Davis. This twisty, gasp-out-loud thriller is perfect for fans of Gone Girl, Teresa Driscoll and Freida McFadden.

    ©2024 L.G. Davis (P)2024 Bookouture, an imprint of Storyfire Ltd.

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