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The Way of the Feeder: How to Master the Joys Challenges of a BBW and Unleash Her Inner Feedie

De : Jolene Dubois, Alex Turner
Lu par : Logan Stearns
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    This audiobook is a perfect guide for anyone who's drawn toward curvy women in ways they often can't express, either because they don't know how, or they're ashamed. Alex Turner and Jolene Dubois wrote this audiobook based on what they have learned from their own experiences and what they have learned from the experiences of others. This is written from the male perspective but it relies heavily on the female point of view. This audiobook is for FA’s, feeders, and feedies. If you are a man and have no desire to fatten up your woman, or if you are a woman that has no interest in gaining weight for herself or for a man, then this audiobook is not for you.

    There are many different types of feeders, FA’s, or Fat Admirers. To describe what a feeder or an FA is exactly is not as simple as you’d think. Why are we feeders anyway? Perhaps these preferences and desires are ingrained in our DNA, born and bred from the caveman days when a man would go out and hunt, doing his duty of providing food for his woman. There are various nuances to all of this however. If you are like me it’s not necessarily that you are attracted to fat women; but it is more that you’re drawn to whom you’re drawn to, and you enjoy the process of your chosen woman, gaining weight. It has been said by many men that one of the things they find attractive in the opposite sex, is a girl who’s not afraid to eat, not afraid to dive into a big meal and enjoy herself fully...and, get thick. In other words, it’s not that we want to date a fat girl, it’s that we want to date a hot girl who gets fat.

    ©2021 Jolene Dubois (P)2021 Jolene Dubois

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