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Couverture de The Way of Virtue

The Way of Virtue

De : Robert Peng, Rafael Nasser
Lu par : Christopher Dukes
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    Beloved Qigong master Robert Peng returns with meditations to empower you to tap into the limitless wisdom contained in your body.

    “Peace on earth mirrors peace within,” says Robert Peng. Yet when we bring energies of disharmony into our lives—like stress, trauma, and discord—those energies take up residence in our bodies and minds. Feelings of isolation and disconnection, according to Peng, are manifestations of a divided mind. Fortunately, the answer for restoration is all around us in the form of life-giving Qi. With The Way of Virtue, this renowned teacher presents a hands-on guide to Qigong meditations designed to channel healing energy precisely where it’s most needed—and make room for the abundant virtues that naturally arise from a balanced body.

    Peng expertly describes the nature of the mind and guides you toward the awakening of Spirit, offering the opportunity to cultivate a consistent practice and invite profound changes in well-being. Through his lucid descriptions, along with illustrations and audio guidance, he presents Qigong meditations focused on the organ system and meridian network, as well as healing sounds, paving the way to a deeper connection with one’s spiritual practice. Here, you’ll learn which emotions are stored in specific organs, along with practices to draw in Qi to awaken and empower your bodymind. As you engage in these practices, you’ll unleash the virtuous qualities of every internal organ: courage, kindness, resilience, and much more.

    Building to the final three meditations, you’ll be guided to awaken particular aspects of the mind and their related virtues, including:

    The Six Healing Sounds to awaken Higher Mind for goodwill
    The Twelve Meridian Empowerment to awaken Pure Mind for benevolence
    Huo Lu Gong Spirit Cultivation to awaken Spirit for peace

    “Our bodies contain the virtues that our world needs,” shares Robert Peng. Meditation is a powerful means to awaken these qualities and harmonize our connection to the world. When suffused with Qi, every cell becomes charged with vitality and benevolence—and you will radiate this nourishing energy wherever you go.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Robert Peng (P)2024 Sounds True


    “Robert Peng, a master of Qigong, shares his deep understanding of this spiritual art with us in The Way of Virtue. This is a marvelous guide in the universal journey of awakening.” —Daniel Goleman, PhD, author of Emotional Intelligence

    The Way of Virtue teaches meditation that goes beyond the mind and leads into the wisdom of the body. It teaches us how to awaken the Spirit and reengage the world from this awakened space. I particularly loved the journey Robert Peng takes his readers on through the wisdom of the meridians. I highly recommend this masterpiece to everyone, from the novice to the experienced seeker.” —Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine

    “If you’re longing to explore the profound mystery of existence, asking ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Why are we here?’ this book is for you. Poetic and practical, The Way of Virtue serves as your guide on the journey to greater peace. Robert Peng and Rafael Nasser blend philosophy, soulful stories, and meditation practices, leading readers through a step-by-step awakening along the Daoist path with Buddhist insights. This book is a supportive friend that will help you experience greater emptiness and wholeness with each breath.” —Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Life

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