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Couverture de The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

De : Christopher Marlowe
Lu par : Christopher Dukes, Blaise Doran, Dara Brown, Laura E. Richcreek, Denis Daly
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    The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus is one of the earliest and most compelling presentations of the story of a man who sold his soul to the Devil. It is based on the popular history of Johann Georg Faust (1466–1541) a German chemist and magician, allegedly perished in an explosion during an alchemical experiment. In the theologically charged world of early reformation Germany, a report spread that his violent death was a demonstration that the devil had come to collect his soul. The legend spread quickly and has formed the basis of many later literary and dramatic works.

    Marlowe’s play is essentially a morality play. However, unlike medieval morality plays, in this version, Faust is portrayed as a tragic hero rather than as a hapless sinner.

    Marlowe’s play was published posthumously in two separate folios, the first in 1604 and a more extended version in 1616. The earlier version was divided into sixteen scenes and the latter into twenty. This performance is based on a special conflation of material from both folios.

    Originally published in 1604 and 1616. Conflation of materials prepared by Denis Daly and published in 2017.

    Public Domain (P)2024 Voices of Today

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