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  • The Ultimate Parenting Help Box Set

  • A Complete Guide on How to Parent Effectively, Raise Good Kids and Make Your Dream Family a Reality: The Master Parenting Series, Book 20
  • De : Frank Dixon
  • Lu par : Shawn Lennox
  • Durée : 22 h et 6 min

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The Ultimate Parenting Help Box Set

De : Frank Dixon
Lu par : Shawn Lennox
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    Do you want your children to live the best life possible?

    And do you want to make sure you’re being a good parent?

    Here’s all the parenting help you need.

    Parenting is hard work...You’re constantly worrying how your kids are going to turn out and if you’re actually doing a good job at this parenting stuff.

    You just want the best for your kids. But you’re just not sure how to be the best possible parent for them...So stop guessing and start utilizing proven parenting strategies to make your kids smarter, happier, healthier and more successful.

    In this box set, you will find all the great parenting skills that will set your kids up for success in life.

    This box set will give you:

    • Nineteen best-selling parenting books to make your parenting journey easier and more successful
    • Seven Simple but powerful parenting tips to improve your children’s life

    You will also discover:

    • How to teach your kids what they don’t teach in school
    • How to make sure that your kids will achieve financial success
    • The keys to ensuring lifelong health for your children
    • And much more...

    So buy this audiobook today to immediately start setting your children up for overall success in life!

    ©2022 Go Make A Change (P)2022 Go Make A Change

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