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  • How Parents Can Develop Happy Children

  • Uplifting Ways to Build Your Kids Social Skills to Transform Them Into Thriving and Successful Adults
  • De : Frank Dixon
  • Lu par : Shawn Lennox
  • Durée : 1 h et 21 min

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How Parents Can Develop Happy Children

De : Frank Dixon
Lu par : Shawn Lennox
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    "Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” (Margaret Mead)

    Are you struggling to make your kid behave in public?

    Is your child always throwing temper tantrums in restaurants, airplanes or toy stores? 

    Do you always find yourself on the receiving end of complaints about your kid’s bad behavior in school?

    Raising a child is an ongoing challenge and it’s your responsibility to help your little one develop into a useful member of society, a self-confident individual, and a happy person. 

    Here’s how you can raise happy kids and transform them into thriving, successful adults!

    You can start by investing your time into this comprehensive parenting book, which will offer you an in-depth understanding of the roots of your child’s poor behavior and enable you to start uprooting bad habits and planting the seeds of future success. 

    Frank Dixon, the best-selling author of How Parents Can Raise Resilient Children and How Parents Can Teach Children To Counter Negative Thoughts has created an all-inclusive parenting guide that will help you teach your child:

    • Essential social skills: Understand the connection between improving social skills and finding happiness.
    • Communications skills: how to talk to everyone and activities that encourage better communication and reduce social anxiety  
    • The importance of learning empathy: activities that foster empathy and help your child start caring for others 

    Attention! If you believe your child is the most special kid in the known universe, if you think that your kid’s opinion is the only thing that matters, if you think that the world revolves around your kid…this book will break your bubble!

    And that’s not all!

    By the end of this eye-opening effective parenting and child development book, you will be able to help your little one learn:

    • Good manners, etiquette, and proper social behavior: no more embarrassing stares from people at the restaurant or the grocery store.
    • How to make friends: Your kid will not be left out of collaborative play due to his/her bad or selfish behavior anymore.
    • The value of responsibility and cooperation: Lay the foundations of future success by teaching your children how to be responsible and learn accountability for their actions. 

    “My spoiled child is already showing signs of disobedience and bad behavior? Is it too late?”

    Absolutely not! You can start transforming your children’s bad habits into positive traits. Invest time, effort, and energy into your kid’s development today and your children will thank you later!

    Click “Buy Now” and grab a copy of How Parents Can Develop Happy Children” today!

    ©2020 Go Make A Change (P)2020 Go Make A Change

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