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  • The Ultimate Guide to Child Development

  • The Psychology and Theories of How to Discipline or Help Children Learn: From Birth to Infancy to Early Childhood
  • De : Max Lovelocke
  • Lu par : Sadie Alexa Knight
  • Durée : 3 h et 24 min

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The Ultimate Guide to Child Development

De : Max Lovelocke
Lu par : Sadie Alexa Knight
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    A child’s brain development is fundamental to who he or she will become as an adult!

    Understanding how a child's brain works and develops is a vital factor in implementing ideologies and practices to help improve a child's cognitive functions. This helps them grow into adults fully capable of utilizing everything the brain offers.

    And since a child's brain functions are the foundation of their physical capabilities, this knowledge can't be understated.

    The Ultimate Guide to Child Development is a comprehensive manual for parents, teachers, educators, or anyone interested in understanding how children's brains work and develop chronologically.

    Think about everything you need to know about the stages that kids go through and the ages to expect those stages, including young infants, toddlers, and school-age.

    Everything on this down to the marrow, you will come to learn in this audiobook.

    This guide also covers language and speech learning, a vital part of a child's development, which comes from how their brain develops.

    We broke down the essential theories in education research, including:

    • Montessori
    • Erikson
    • The Active Learning Approach

    At the end of the day, you will have all the necessary tools needed to help nurture your child’s or student’s development towards the complete use of their brains’ superpowers. And you know the amazing thing about this? You sidestep any impending cognitive defects!

    So, what do you say about making smarter decisions when raising, teaching, or just interacting with a child?

    Let The Ultimate Guide to Child Development help you with that!

    ©2022 Max Lovelocke (P)2022 Max Lovelocke

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