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Couverture de Hush


De : Veronica Christopher
Lu par : Sadie Alexa Knight
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    The Rabbit Hole series continues in book two, Hush.

    Explore human depravity at its blackest, willpower at its brightest.

    If you thought book one, The Rabbit Hole, took you far, dive even deeper with Hush. Go places you would've never gone before.

    Hush begins with “Back Alley Broadway”, where Dasha is unwillingly part of a VIP show aired live on the darknet by a ring of psychopaths. From country girl to slave, she is subject to indescribable torment by her captors. Her long-anticipated performance in "The Killer Circus" takes you to the blackest black. It delves into the truths of human trafficking and the consequences of deranged curiosity.

    In “Yesterday”, karma works its magic and re-rights past wrongs. During the Great Depression, times are hard on rural farm families and a frustrated young mother abuses her little boy. Decades later, his mother will learn her lesson. If you are a believer in reincarnation, this story is for you!

    Next, two sisters struggle to keep their bond after one is responsible for the death of the other's "miracle baby". Told through the eyes of the fallen infant, in “Baby Babble” , will the black sheep and the golden child find forgiveness and make amends? Or will the loss of baby Preston tear the family apart for good? Get ready for an unexpected twist!

    Finally, the red light of Naomi's webcam lurks in her nightmares. A mysterious man has hacked more than just her computer, but her life, too. After being forced into shameless acts before a lens and those images circulated to the public, the taunts from her public “slut”-shaming threaten to crack her fragile shell. Don't judge a book by its cover...

    Reality is stranger than fiction...

    ©2019 The Cypress Collection; A Division of Cypress Books (P)2022 The Cypress Collection; A Division of Cypress Books

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