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  • The Ultimate Guide to Breaking Into Tech Sales

  • Land Your Dream Job, Make Six Figures, & Work From Anywhere
  • De : Brandon Bornancin
  • Lu par : James Larson
  • Durée : 4 h et 37 min

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The Ultimate Guide to Breaking Into Tech Sales

De : Brandon Bornancin
Lu par : James Larson
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    From a serial entrepreneur who hired over 1,000 salespeople and built the number one sales leads software in the world, Seamless.AI (worth over one billion dollars) is a battle-tested guide to building your dream career in tech sales and achieving financial freedom.

    What if you could graduate college and make six figures in 12 months? What if you could quit a job you hate to make more money than you've ever made...and do it all by working less?

    Well, you can have all this and more with The Ultimate Guide to Breaking Into Tech Sales: Land Your Dream Job, Make Six Figures, & Work From Anywhere.

    This audiobook will help you:

    • Unlock the secrets to success that no one ever tells you.
    • Market yourself using new strategies that outsell the competition.
    • Get the templates, tools, and scripts that generate big results fast.
    • Fill your calendar with back-to-back interviews.
    • Ace every job interview and sell yourself like a pro.
    • Negotiate offers to get paid more than anyone else you know.
    • Crush your first 90 days on the job and outperform your peers.

    As the Great Resignation continues to gain steam, things look bleak for job seekers. You’re either working at a dead-end job or fighting tooth and nail with hundreds of others for the same menial role. In The Ultimate Guide to Breaking Into Tech Sales: Land Your Dream Job, Make Six Figures, & Work From Anywhere, Bornancin shares the secrets every job seeker needs to take back their agency and start a meaningful career in tech sales.

    If you are just getting out of college and entering the job market for the first time or if you’re looking to change careers, The Ultimate Guide to Breaking Into Tech Sales will radically change how you think of sales and your place in the job market.

    Quit that dead-end job, achieve financial freedom, and work from anywhere with the help of The Ultimate Guide to Breaking Into Tech Sales.

    ©2022 Brandon Bornancin (P)2023 Brandon Bornancin

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